Holidays break

Federica Piccinini

I am officially ready to relax and enjoy the Christmas holiday! 
Christmas break is a time for fun, food and family and no one knows this better than me. On Christmas day, I will wake up and open up presents with my mom’s side of the family and then eat a big Christmas lunch.
This holiday season, I will be traveling up to London and I can’t wait! I will be back online early January with many, many photos from my trip. 
{pics from Country Living}

I do wish you all a joyous time with your own families! Thanks you all for your support and love during this year.
Wish you very Merry Christmas. 

Ci sono 73 commenti

  1. Sarah
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 10:10

    Ciao Fede
    cavolo Fede vuoi dire che sei stata tu ad attaccarmi l'influenza via blog? 😉
    L'unica nota positiva, è che si dimagrisce un pò!!! Ho letto che vai via per un pò, allora ti auguro di passare un felice natale, di riposarti e rilassarti e buon natale anche a tutti i tuoi cari! Bacioni


  2. Laura
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 10:28

    passa delle felici feste e goditi il viaggio a londra! Auguroni!

  3. Barbara
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 10:31

    Buon Natale cara Fede, che sia sereno e caldo!
    …e buona Londra! 😉

    Un abbraccio

  4. Brunch at Saks
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 10:39

    Gorgeous photos love! Merry Christmas XOXO

  5. Giovanna ♥
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 11:00

    Hi Federica! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for the lovely comment! I love your blog!!
    I'm so happy I found you too 🙂
    Let me know if you'd like to exchange links on our blogrolls 🙂
    Happy Holidays!!

  6. Lara
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 11:19

    Ciao Fede!!!!Grazie per i complimenti ma anche tu trovi sempre delle foto meravigliose…..!
    Ti auguro di passare un felice Natale e di rilassarti….divertiti a Londra, è bellissima sempre, figurati in qsto periodo!!!
    Aspetto le foto…Buon anno e bacioni!!!

  7. Giovanna ♥
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 11:24

    Grazie Federica!! I just added your link too 🙂
    Un abbraccio!!

  8. Laura Trevey
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 12:50

    Happy Holidays to you ~~

  9. Addict
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 13:07

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment 🙂

    I have been to Italy and think you are so lucky to live in THE most beautiful country in the world. Most truthful statement I have ever made… right there 🙂

  10. One Shabby Old House
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 13:26

    Merry Christmas my friend.
    Enjoy your trip and family.
    Thank you for all the beautiful pictures you have shared over the year. Looking forward to all your lovely posts in the New year ahead.

  11. S and O
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 14:08

    Merry Christmas to you too!
    I hope you have a lovely time in London:)
    I'm really looking forward to seeing some of your pictures (I've never been to London but gosh I just love it)!!!

  12. Seyma
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 14:19

    Merry Christmas Federica!!!

    hope you enjoy it 🙂


  13. Krisztina
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 15:11


    have a nice holiday and a wonderful journey,

    go back soon-)

    and merry xmas

    Krisztina from Hungary

  14. Randi Lee
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 15:40

    Merry Christmas!!

    I hope it's the best one yet!

    It certainly sounds like it will be lovely!

  15. Les Cotrions
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 15:50

    Ciao Federica! Buon Natale e un fantastico 2010! Goditi Londra anche per me!!!

  16. Amy
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 16:01

    Such pretty photos you have here! Today, I love the wreath and garland at the end of the bed. Have a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for the new year! xoxo

  17. Carolyn
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 16:03

    Hi Frederica,
    I hope you enjoy your trip and have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year too!
    Look forward to your pictures of London.

  18. KarenSue
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 16:31

    Thank you for the inspiration! I have all these magazines and love them. Can you believe I had a table cloth like that and thru it in the trash!

  19. Fee-AMore
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 16:35

    You know i love this home too! Have a joyous and great Christmas and new year! x

  20. Emily
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 16:36

    I love your blog too! We have the same taste in lovely backgrounds too! Thanks for your sweet comment! Merry Christmas!

  21. Couture Carrie
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 16:39

    Gorgeous photos, darling!

    Merry Christmas to you too!


  22. Beth
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 17:04

    Merry, Merry Christmas!!


  23. daisychain
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 17:43

    have a magical christmas

  24. Silvia
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 18:09

    Come sempre bellissime foto! Grazie per gli auguri, li ricambio di cuore, buon viaggio e buon anno,

  25. love lives in the kitchen
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 19:27

    merry merry christmas for you and your family! hope to hear from you soon and wish you a loevly end of the year in london!
    many christmas hugs!

  26. caroline joy
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 22:36

    Happiest of holidays to you and safe travels. I will be in touch in early January about a giveaway! 🙂

  27. Rachel Follett
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 23:25

    Sounds wonderful! I think I will be doing the same. Lovely photos!!!

  28. Magic Brush
    22 Dicembre 2009 alle 23:39

    Just found your blog… got me a warm cup of coffee and the kids are entertained… can't wait to look around! Merry Christmas!

  29. Gracie
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 0:56

    Those photos warm my heart! Have a truly wonderful Christmas and lovely time with your family!


  30. Cathi
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 1:17

    Have a wonderful Christmas and holiday in London. I look forward to your photos! 🙂

  31. Brenda @Cozy Little House
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 1:52

    Have a Merry Christmas and a safe trip, new blogging friend!

  32. Iva
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 2:22

    Enjoy your break! have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

  33. Raru
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 2:32

    Enjoy your vacation. Have a very Merry Christmas :))))
    We will miss you here :))))

    Hugs, Raru :))))

  34. Simply Mel
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 5:58

    Wishing you and yours a very wonderful and peaceful Christmas! Enjoy your visit to London!


  35. Angel.Pearls
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 7:42

    I wish you a Merry Merry Christmas, and a nice trip to London!Love//Eva

  36. Lana
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 10:42

    Happy holidays Federica! Have a Happy Christmas and fabulous trip too, looking forward to your pics!x

  37. carmen
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 12:02

    Ciao Federica! Ti auguro di trascorrere delle vacanze felici. Buon Natale e buon viaggio!
    Un abbraccio

  38. Jacqueline
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 12:29

    Dear Federica,
    Sending you warm wishes from the U.K. for a very Merry Christmas and many happy times in the New Year. With Love. XXXX

  39. All Things Cherish
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 14:29

    Hi Federica – thanks for visiting my blog! I look forward to adding yours to my reading list. Merry Christmas!

  40. caroline @ patagonia gifts
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 15:50

    oh so lovely images, Federica! hope you have a lovely time with your loved ones! thank you so much for your sweet comments during this year! best wishes for 2010! xo

  41. cabin + cub
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 18:54

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas holiday!! 🙂
    ps. You're blog is gorgeous!

  42. Fleurette
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 19:00

    Hello dear Federica,
    I wish you and all your family Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2010
    With love Fleurette from Prague

  43. Marz
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 20:04

    Such gorgeous photos. Everything looks so inviting, but clean and cool.

  44. Miss Eve
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 22:52

    Wishing you Merry Christmas and a beautiful holiday season dear Federica. Have a safe trip to London, much love: Evi

  45. Torie Jayne
    23 Dicembre 2009 alle 23:19

    Beautiful pics!
    Thank you for all your lovely comments on my blog, May the happiness of the holiday season be yours today and always x

  46. Exquisite Accessories
    24 Dicembre 2009 alle 7:11

    Wrap up warm in London Federica, love the last pick with the fruit on the real tree, I miss the smell of a real trees, it woudn't last the day here in Queensland!!
    Merry Christmas

  47. Heavenly Housewife
    24 Dicembre 2009 alle 8:47

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. That is so cool that you are coming to London for the holidays. I hope you have a wonderful time. There are so many wonderful things to see and do there. I wish I had a chance to tell you about all of them, but there are some cool london restaurants I reviewed on my website. Dont forget to try afternoon tea. Its soooooooooo fun! I hope you blog about i :D.
    Have a fantastic holiday daaaaaaahling.
    *kisses* HH

  48. Krimly
    24 Dicembre 2009 alle 14:14

    I would like to wish you Merry Christmas!!!


  49. Elizabeth
    24 Dicembre 2009 alle 16:23

    Federica, thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I'm so glad to have found yours–it is gorgeous! I love this holiday scene from Country Living that you've shared, it just looks so cozy and welcoming.

  50. Slices of Beauty...
    24 Dicembre 2009 alle 21:57

    Merry Christmas!

  51. tania
    25 Dicembre 2009 alle 11:22

    Hi Federica, happy Christmas to you !

  52. titti73
    25 Dicembre 2009 alle 17:30

    Mi sa che d'ora in poi dovrò essere più veloce delle altre nello scriverti un commento, visto che ne ricevi a bizzeffe ormai e come vedi oggi sono la cinquantaduesima. Ciò nonostante,ti invio i miei migliori auguri di buone feste, che suppongo saranno molto meglio delle mie, passate soli io e mio figlio ammalati, senza neanche mio marito che ha dovuto fare i turni lunghi, sera e notte compresa. Buon viaggio cara. Titti

  53. Ladra di Caramelle
    25 Dicembre 2009 alle 19:58

    Ancora tanti auguri e buon viaggio!
    A presto 🙂

  54. winstonbot
    27 Dicembre 2009 alle 1:06

    love your blog…you are very inspiring and love all the incredible pictures..thank you for all the time you put into making it so beautiful…hoping your holidays are wonderful

  55. manuela
    27 Dicembre 2009 alle 8:32

    Questo commento è stato eliminato dall’autore.

  56. manuela
    27 Dicembre 2009 alle 8:33

    Ciao Federica, anche se è già passato, vorrei augurarti anch'io Buon Natale!! E' sempre un piacere visitare il tuo blog! Chissà quante belle immagini porterai da Londra!! Nell'attesa di leggerti ancora ti invio tantissimi auguri per un felice xmas time!

  57. Casa Mia * My House *
    27 Dicembre 2009 alle 12:32

    Buon Viaggio e Tanti auguri xoxo

  58. Federica
    27 Dicembre 2009 alle 18:47

    Ciao Federica!

    Buone vacanze e Buone Feste!!!

    ci rileggiamo a gennaio!! un abbraccio!

  59. beingdena
    28 Dicembre 2009 alle 0:09

    Have a wonderful Christmas period lovely xxx

  60. Rosy Inspiration
    28 Dicembre 2009 alle 14:41

    I'm a bit late to come and wish you a Merry Christmas coz we went away for Christmas, but I can still wish you all the very best for the new year. May your life be blessed and keep up the good work here, all those pics are simply breathtaking.

  61. Kris
    28 Dicembre 2009 alle 16:01

    I hope you had a great holiday Federica! I tried your plum cake and I loved it! I made some cookies too and posted the pics. Ciao!

  62. Fabulous Finds Gal
    28 Dicembre 2009 alle 17:00

    I just found your blog and am overwhelmed by the beauty of it all. I just added you to my blogroll. Happy Holidays!

    Fabulous Finds Gal

  63. Niki
    29 Dicembre 2009 alle 0:13

    amazing photography. I love all your pictures.

  64. Sir James E. Watkins
    29 Dicembre 2009 alle 2:06

    Hello Federica.

  65. MODERN Prairie Girl
    29 Dicembre 2009 alle 4:07

    Beautiful, fresh, clean holiday pics are too yummy for words.

    Wishing you all the best in the new year!


  66. koralee
    30 Dicembre 2009 alle 0:27

    Wishing you a wonderful time away…enjoy your London trip and can't wait to see the photos! Many blessings in 2010.

  67. Mary Jo from TrustYourStyle
    30 Dicembre 2009 alle 22:00

    Just wanted to pop by and wish you the happiest of new year's! Looking forward to more of your lovely posts in 2010!
    Stay stylish!
    xo Mary Jo

  68. Nevbahar
    31 Dicembre 2009 alle 15:58

    Hi dear Federica!
    Just discovered your blog and enjoyed it so much!
    The pictures and your taste is amazing. I can't wait to see your pictures from London. I'm pretty sure they will be awesome.
    My blog is quite new and in Turkish. (, it wouldn't make sense to you(except the pictures!). I'm planning to translate them to English too.
    So, happy new year and wish you the best!

  69. Preppy Pink Crocodile
    1 Gennaio 2010 alle 3:49

    Beautiful photos! Have a wonderful New Year!

  70. Tania
    1 Gennaio 2010 alle 12:41

    Federica i wish you a great new year 2010 !full of joy and hapiness …

  71. Nordingården
    1 Gennaio 2010 alle 16:26

    Hello, hello, sooo wonderful photos and lovely blog!!! I will immediately put your link!

    I saw you in August, writing about the Italian magazine Casa Chic. My home and my pictures will be in there soon! I do not know exactly when it is submitted for printing yesterday! Exciting! I hardly know if I can buy the magazine at home, but you may have access to it, then you keep an eye on it!

    Happy New 2010!!! Mari.

  72. Silvia
    3 Gennaio 2010 alle 17:23

    Ciao Fede!
    Ma quando torni?
    Mi mancano i tuoi super posts…
    Spero a presto,

  73. Nyanser av vitt
    4 Gennaio 2010 alle 12:33

    Dear Federica,
    I hope you have had a lovely time in London.
    Happy New year to you.


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