Christmas party

Federica Piccinini

Here I’m back again! I was not missing….I was sick…. I hope you all had a great weekend!

Saturday night I had a lovely Christmas party with my friends. We had really a great time together. Unfortunately not all our friends were able to come, but I hope to see them soon…. 
I cooked all day! I thought it would be nice to bake these mini yogurt & chocolate plum cake for my friends’ Sunday breakfast. They have really appreciated!

 For my table I choose two classic colors of Christmas, red and green. 

The Christmas atmosphere has definitely arrived into my home…also here in my city, today it’s snowing!

We enjoyed our evening, we chatted, we laughed and we exchanged Christmas gifts. So many beautiful gifts!! 

I almost forgot to remember you that today is the last day for enter the Christmas Giveaway! Tomorrow I will announce the lucky winner!

Ci sono 38 commenti

  1. paula
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 13:41

    oh what fun. it all looks quite beautiful.

  2. Claire
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 15:04

    Looks like you had a spectacular evening! I love how you dressed your table and how you packaged your cakes:) High five!

  3. Tamanna A. Shaikh
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 15:11

    Hey that looks like so much fun!! I wish I could host the Christmas party too but I'll be gone for spending the holidays in my country !! I'll miss the Xmas buzz of America…but anyway, looking at your post, I don't feel far from your party!! 🙂 And I just love your apartment!! xo

  4. Lara
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 15:19

    Complimenti….come sempre una tavola stupenda!!!Buon inizio settimana anche a te!!!Bacio!

  5. Lara
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 15:19

    Complimenti….come sempre una tavola stupenda!!!Buon inizio settimana anche a te!!!Bacio!

  6. Laura
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 15:20

    So lovely sweetie and warm. What a great party. I hope you feel better and stay warm. Come stop by for some hot fashion for the cold…

  7. MonikaR
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 15:44

    Lovely party:) The wind brought the scent of your cookies and cake here, yammmy:) And your house looks really christmasy
    xxx from Ireland:)

  8. Les Cotrions
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 15:48

    What a beautiful party!!! Your plum-cakes are lovely…e devono essere anche buoni! La tua tavola è bellissima e molto natalizia!
    Buon inizio settimana anche a te!

  9. daisychain
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 15:53

    I want cake!

  10. Federica
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 16:07

    ciao! complimenti per questo magnifico post! sei davvero brava!!
    buona settimana!

  11. Pinecone Camp
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 16:41

    Those cakes looked fabulous!

  12. Teresa
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 16:47

    Oh Federica!
    I loved getting a glimpse of your Italian home!
    And your friends…look so happy and fun!
    Your table setting was just LOVELY!
    How holidayish for it to be snowing!
    Now about the bread!
    I adore how you packaged it!
    Did you package it in the little paper bread trays?
    Did you like baking in the paper trays?
    Maybe this is what I need to get to bake my bread for friends.
    Oh please do let me know what you think!

  13. titti73
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 16:55

    E ci credo che hanno apprezzato! Sei la migliore padrona di casa del mondo! Chissà se un giorno lontano potrò mai venire io a trovarti….Intanto finalmente ho finito l'albero, se ti va di vederlo, fai un salto da me.Kiss, Titti

  14. Fleurette
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 17:51

    Hello dear Federica, your Christmas party is an excellent!!!
    It is beautiful table decorations!!!
    Have a nice evening

  15. rosa
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 17:51

    Ciao, che bella tavola e che brava cuoca, abbellita con le cose di Natale la casa risulta ancora piu' bella, riprenditi presto, auguri! ciao rosa

  16. Jacqueline
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 17:56

    Oh Federica, your mini plum and yoghurt cakes look delicious and your table, so festive.
    Your home looks so pretty with it's Christmas decorations. Looks like you all had a wonderful time. XXXX

  17. Kris
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 18:07

    Your party and cakes look fabulous. I love the glass dishes too! I wish I was able to have a party at my place for xmas this year. The boyfriend did a lot of traveling and it just didn't happen. We'll have to have a different themed part soon!

    Oh, those cakes sound so good! Would you at all mind sending me the recipe? I'd love to try!!

    Ciao from NYC!

  18. Laura Trevey
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 19:07

    love the striped candles… beautiful table arrangement!!


  19. Miss Eve
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 19:52

    Wow Federica what a nice Christmas party! Your home is beautiful! I'm glad you and your friends had a nice time…

    Cheers: Evi

  20. Chelsea Talks Smack
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 20:02

    AWWW these pictures are SO LOVELY, I want to be there for christmas!

  21. Seyma
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 20:14

    this is a coolio post Federica!!

    i loved all the pics out there 🙂


  22. Blair
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 20:34

    Oh how lovely and what an amazing idea as a takeaway for guests!

  23. Blair
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 20:34

    Oh how lovely and what an amazing idea as a takeaway for guests!

  24. Mela
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 20:43

    hai degli amici fortunatissimi!

  25. Simply Mel
    14 Dicembre 2009 alle 21:46

    You are definitely a very good friend – look at those cakes/breads! Yum! Will you share the recipe?

  26. Janean
    15 Dicembre 2009 alle 1:19

    i can tell you put a lot of love and thought into everything…the sign of a true hostess from the heart! will you be posting the recipe and where you found those FAB bread boxes?

  27. S and O
    15 Dicembre 2009 alle 2:42

    Oh how beautiful!!! what a wonderful holiday setting, everything looks warm and cozy and very chic!!!

  28. Beach Vintage
    15 Dicembre 2009 alle 3:11

    Sorry to hear you have not been 100%, but this party is amazing Federica. I love the candles.

  29. Kristin
    15 Dicembre 2009 alle 7:46

    Ugh. Something was going around the blogosphere. I was sick too! Your tablescape is incredibly beautiful!

  30. Inspiration in Italy
    15 Dicembre 2009 alle 9:30

    Wow, you are so talented with decor my Love!!! This all looks amazing.


  31. Brabourne Farm
    15 Dicembre 2009 alle 9:34

    Everything looks so lovely, especially the table! Your cakes look so delicious. Leigh

  32. love lives in the kitchen
    15 Dicembre 2009 alle 9:35

    ciao federica! your table was as usual spectacular! i love the plates, the candles and all the christmas decorations! i also love the small plum cakes! what a lovely idea for a sweet gift! it would be lovely if you could share the recipe! i mentioned your blog and your great cookie recipe in my latest post. hope you will like it.
    wish you a sweet day (and i hope to win the giveway, hehe!)

    hugs, justyna

  33. Sarah
    15 Dicembre 2009 alle 9:55

    Ciao Fede
    mi dispiace per la febbre…ma vedo che stare a casa malata, ti fa bene, con tutti quei dolcetti che produci e quella tavola che come al solito hai decorato in modo divino! Io sto abbastanza bene, faccio i salti mortali per stare dietro a tutto e a tutti ma per ora resisto ancora un pò, arriveranno le ferie prima o poi no? Bacione di buona guarigione 😉


  34. decomarta
    15 Dicembre 2009 alle 10:01

    Wow! I have so much to say!
    Firstly – great idea with the cake-gift for friends. This shows how good, caring friend you are.
    Second – I absolutely fell in love with your bowls and plates. They are beautiful!
    Thirdly – I can see that the atmosphere at your place is realy festive. I don't have any decorations yet, 'cose we have the renovation, but until the holidays we will finished:)

    Greetings from snowy, festive Poland!

  35. Raru
    15 Dicembre 2009 alle 10:48

    Lol. 🙂
    Everything looks great 🙂 You have great ideas 🙂 Congrats 🙂


  36. Federica
    15 Dicembre 2009 alle 11:02

    tavolata impeccabile come al solito!!! l`labero di sottofondo e la chicca in piú! anch`io sabato sera ho avuto una bella cena natalizia con i (pochi) amici che abbiamo qui in uk, é stata proprio una bella cena, abbiamo mangiato bene, riso tanto, chiaccherato tanto e ho messo di sottofondo la musica natalizia che adoro! l`albero rendeva tutto piú magico! ma la tua idea di dare agli ospiti il plum cake per il giorno dopo é fantastica! sei un mito fede! baciotto fede

  37. beingdena
    15 Dicembre 2009 alle 12:30

    hey honey hope you are feeling better now. Chocolate plum cake sounds amazing mmmm.


  38. Melissa Blake
    15 Dicembre 2009 alle 14:25

    Hope you're feeling better! xoxo


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