Portobello Road

Federica Piccinini

Sunday, 27 December. Finally we arrived in London. The flight was about 2 hours but I’m afraid of the plane…. When we arrived the clock was 10 a.m. and it was already so full of life in london city. First we went to our hotel, near Knightsbridge tube station, called Jumeirah. Really a beautiful place to stay. After leaving our luggage our first stop was Portobello Road. So many different people, so many cool cafè and restaurants, and so many cool stores. 
That is one thing I connect with london, shopping! And I made a looooot of shopping 🙂 I will show you something…..
I found so many beautiful stores to introduce you.
Near Portobello Road is full of little lovely girly stores. I found a cute dress that I adore!
After a long walk through the beautiful streets of London a slice of cake and a mint tea were perfect. 
We really enjoyed our cheese cake in the lovely “Le Pain Quotidien“.
London is full of things to do and discover. I need many posts to show you all the things! See yaa!

Ci sono 34 commenti

  1. New England Girl
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 16:23

    I LOVE London… When I lived in Scotland, I spent quite a bit of time in Primrose Hill with a Uni mate. Hope you're having a fabulous trip – you look gorgeous!! 🙂

    Happy New Year. xox.

  2. Mo..."Mo's Cottage"
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 16:25

    I also love London…looks like you had a wonderful time….
    Happy New Year to you !!!!
    Mo 🙂

  3. Sarah
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 16:44

    Che belle foto Fede…beati voi! 😉


  4. beingdena
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 17:14

    Sweetie I live on portobello rd. if only I had known u were in the neighborhood. Seems you had a wonderful time. x

  5. rosa
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 17:39

    Bella idea quella di svicolare durante le feste, prendo nota, grazie, bellissima Londra…ciao rosa

  6. Fleurette
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 17:44

    Hello my dear Federica, Your pictures of London are very beautiful!!!
    I wish you a wonderful new year:))

  7. Blondie's Journal
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 18:02

    Your pictures are wonderful. Keep posting, please. I have never been to London, but have every intention!!

    Your boots are fabulous! 🙂


  8. Tiina
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 18:02

    lovely trip to my favorite city in the world!

  9. Samantha2818
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 18:45

    Have a lovely trip. Your photo's are lovely!

  10. Elena
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 18:47

    bella la mia patata!

  11. Jacqueline
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 18:52

    I'm biased, being English but London is the BEST city in the world. It has so much to offer, doesn't it ? I'm so glad that you had a wonderful time and look forward to more of your photographs. XXXX

  12. Couture Carrie
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 18:59

    What fabulous photos, darling! And I love your look, especially that wonderful scarf!


  13. Preppy Pink Crocodile
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 19:13

    I love your fun blog! The last time I was in London I was just a kid but I loved it. I can't wait to read up on your fabulous adventures. Cheers to a grand new year!

  14. Laura
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 19:46

    What a beautiful post and pictures. The colors are amazing and brightens London. Happy New Year sweetie!

  15. SogniSorrisi
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 20:12

    What lovely photos. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Franci [dolce casa]
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 20:42

    Non vedo l'ora di sapere quali luoghi carini hai scoperto per noi…giusto per avere la scusa buona per una capatina a Londra!!

    P.S. All'avvicinarsi del Natale ho dirottato Babbo Natale dalla G10 ad una cosuccia più femminile e assolutamente deliziosa a cui non ho saputo resistere…

  17. l'atelier di Pilaf
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 20:47

    Ciao Federica, aime' scopro solo ora il tuo blog.. e quale modo migliore per conoscerti se non condividendo l'amore per Londra?!
    Per me, e' la citta' piu' bella al mondo, Continuero' a seguirti!

  18. Simply Mel
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 21:01

    What a delightful trip to one of my favorite cities!

    Wishing you a New Year filled with lots of spectacular happenings!

  19. caroline @ patagonia gifts
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 21:14

    lovely pictures, Federica! love your green boots! xo

  20. Something White
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 21:19

    Dear Federica,
    wonderful London! So nice that you could stay there at Christmastime. All my best wishes for the new year and I continue enjoying your very interesting stories and pictures every time!
    Great boots you wear, nice colour! 🙂
    Many greetings, Marjolijn

  21. Beth Dunn
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 22:03

    Love London! And your green boots. xoxo


  22. Nyanser av vitt
    5 Gennaio 2010 alle 22:15

    Thank you. The same to you. I love London. If you are there on Saturday there is a market on the Portobello Rd. I also love Camden
    Take care and enjoy

  23. Marz
    6 Gennaio 2010 alle 1:02

    great photos! London looks like an amazing place to be!

  24. Brenda @Cozy Little House
    6 Gennaio 2010 alle 1:32

    Sounds wonderful! Can't wait to see more!

  25. Carolyn
    6 Gennaio 2010 alle 1:39

    Glad you had a nice trip and I am enjoying your photos.


  26. Rosy Inspiration
    6 Gennaio 2010 alle 2:49

    Hi, dear Federica,

    Wow! Have a wonderful time, sounds like you are having a good time dear. I love London, I feel like I have a connection with London. Yes, do share lots with us about your trip, looking forward to hearing more from you. Good way to start 2010. May your 2010 be blessed.

  27. Rosy Inspiration
    6 Gennaio 2010 alle 2:52

    Sorry I didn't read the last post and the date on this post, thought you were still in London, you're back and are posting about your trip. Let me get it right, haha!

  28. Gracie
    6 Gennaio 2010 alle 3:12

    Eee! I want to visit London. Those photos give me such an urge to travel and see new things.

    I hope there will be more photos of your trip 🙂

  29. Exquisite Accessories
    6 Gennaio 2010 alle 3:52

    Oooohhh I was there in 2008, love Portobello road, lovley images keep having fun & wrap up warm!! 🙂

  30. Chey can cook! (and more)
    6 Gennaio 2010 alle 4:57

    I love the photos so far! Can't wait for more!

  31. vicki archer
    6 Gennaio 2010 alle 8:34

    Happy London holidays Frederica….xv

  32. Federica
    6 Gennaio 2010 alle 10:48

    Thank you all! I really enjoyed my trip! I bought my green boots in the little and beautiful store of my friend Gloria here in the center of my city, it's called Cappelleria Trentini. A place to see!


  33. mimi charmante
    6 Gennaio 2010 alle 14:46

    How stylish and darling are you???

    I absolutely love visiting London and am so envious that you were there! It looks like you had a lovely time~


  34. Kris
    6 Gennaio 2010 alle 20:33

    ah my favorite place in London… ok one of the many!


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