Pale & Pretty

Federica Piccinini

Such a lovely and fresh look to start our Monday morning girls.
It just looks really peaceful and calm.
I couldn’t find one room in this home where I liked almost everything! This beautiful home is from Skona Hem. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Ci sono 30 commenti

  1. It's me
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 9:39

    I like this home……so cuit and calm………

    But i love my ouwn home the most !

    Your home is where your heart is !!

    Have a lovely week !

    Huga Ria

    And now……………..showerring and do the housework !! it is late again……….hahahah!!

  2. Little Emma
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 9:45

    Ciao Fede, che ambienti meravigliosi. Mi sto davvero appassionando a questo genere scandinavo. E' tutto soft e luminoso e molto chic.

    Un bacio e buona settimana!!

  3. Anna
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 9:59

    Federica…love the new look of your blog..gorgeous..and love this post…so calming open and airy..gorgeous x

  4. love lives in the kitchen
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 10:12

    really beautiful! i adore simple and realxing style, exactly like this one!
    have a sweet day,

  5. Flaviana
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 10:58

    Ciao Bellissima!
    questi ambienti sono davvero adorabili, la cucina e il salone mi ricordano un pò casa tua anche se secondo me casa tua è più bella, più cosy and warm.
    Grazie di essere passata a trovarmi, mi fa troppo piacere averti a “casa mia”! Bacioni e buon inizio di settimana

  6. Exquisite Accessories
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 11:09

    Federica, I love the new look to your blog very stylish, i had a great weekend thank you!! 🙂

  7. Etta
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 11:29

    Bellissima questa casa… così rilassante l'atmosfera…

  8. Mara
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 11:41

    Mi piace da matti l'idea dei candelabi nel vassoio!
    Grazie per essere passata a trovarmi sul mio blog!
    Buona giornata!

  9. A.J. at NighBluey Herald
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 11:54

    A serene decor but fun at the same time – some unexpected, fun twists, like the line of prints just below the ceiling in the kitchen photo – love it! ox

  10. Helena - A Diary of Lovely
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 12:46

    classic, elegant, sweet, this house has everything, great natural light flowing in too, gorgeous!
    Have a great week Federica, hope you enjoyed the weekend.

  11. Something White
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 13:29

    These pale and soft colours are really lovely and peaceful. With the wooden furniture it makes a good and warm combination.
    Best regards, Marjolijn

  12. Certain Creatures
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 14:56

    love those candles
    happy week!

  13. Morning T
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 14:58

    Happy Monday Federica! Everything about those rooms makes me swoon, just gorgeous. 🙂

  14. caroline @ patagonia gifts
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 16:20

    I love the kitchen, with all those framed photos… gorgeous! have a beautiful new week Federica! xo

  15. Jeanneoli
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 17:00

    This home is amazing. I adore all the art in the dinning room.

  16. Mary Jo from TrustYourStyle
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 17:37

    So pretty! I love how peaceful these photos are and the paintings in the dining room make it seem so comforting. Lovely! And thank you for stopping by with birthday wishes!
    Hope your Monday is a sweet one!

    xo Mary Jo

  17. Torie Jayne
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 17:51

    Gorgeous! So many beautiful images of an adorable house! Have a sweet day!

  18. Ticking and Toile
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 18:01

    Love all the photos! Beautiful!


  19. Mela
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 18:11

    Mi piace veramente ogni stanza, fantastica casa!

  20. Dreamy Whites
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 18:16

    I love these photos. I especially love all those chandeliers. I really like how the wood table looks in the dining room. I love all the artwork! There is so much to love about this home thank you for sharing!
    Take Care,
    Your blog provides me with so much inspiration! Thank you

    8 Marzo 2010 alle 19:31

    Love this room and all the great candle sticks!

  22. Raru
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 22:36

    So nice… It's really calm and cozy.
    Thank you for the inspiration :)))))

  23. Kristin
    8 Marzo 2010 alle 23:01

    What a sublime space. Wow!

  24. Laura Trevey
    9 Marzo 2010 alle 1:53

    I love the 1st image with the art on the shelf!!

  25. Berlin Deluxxe
    9 Marzo 2010 alle 2:51


  26. Tove's to og firbeinte
    9 Marzo 2010 alle 8:37

    A wonderful home,-I like how they put many related things together such as the candleholders,the pictures and even their mix of chairs! A nice twist 🙂
    And it soooo clean…..reminding me that I have some housework waiting for me here…gotta go I guess :/

  27. marga
    9 Marzo 2010 alle 10:09

    What a beautiful interior………thanks for sharing!!!!

  28. Johanna
    9 Marzo 2010 alle 10:35

    Hi Federica,

    what a gorgeous bouquet of roses, made by Bornay. Never seen such a prettyness before. I love roses so much.
    And I love your livingroom. I have also such a Syran table but mine is not so richtly decorated.A very nice home!

    Nice greetings from Germany, Johanna

  29. Rachel
    9 Marzo 2010 alle 15:11

    Love your blog! I left you an award at my place! Come and get it 🙂

  30. c.dreizen
    12 Marzo 2010 alle 0:46

    This apartment is absolutely gorgeous! I especially love the candlesticks, and the kitchen. The entire kitchen is absolutely, drop. dead. gorgeous!!!!!


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