A snowy day

Federica Piccinini

Yesterday has been snowing all day…a lot of snow…and when I say a lot of snow, I mean a lot. Some work to do in the morning, and then I came back home.
Don’t you see anything new? My brand new paintings from Blanc MariClò. Oh I love them!
With this snowy and terrible weather was the perfect day to stay home reading the last issue of my fave magazine and drinking something hot.

After a long hot shower, a face mask, manicure and pedicure, I spent the afternoon snuggled up on the couch with a cup of tea and one of my sweet little kittens. I like to read a good book, browse my favorite magazines or explore the Web on the couch with a blanket on my legs.

See you tomorrow for another beautiful giveaway! Don’t forget to enter Down and Out Chic Giveaway, today is the last chance!

Ci sono 55 commenti

  1. love lives in the kitchen
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 8:49

    your house is so incredibly beautiful! i love these new paintings! lucky you to spend the whole afternoon at home! casa chic is my fav magazine as well 🙂
    have a sweet day,

  2. ZAIRA
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 9:04

    Fede, quei quadri sono semplicemente fantastici. E nel tuo bel salotto ci stanno divinamente…Anche qui ieri ha nevicato tantissimo e avrei voluto godermi la giornata in casa con té e Casa chic e invece…..

    Buona giornata!!

  3. Laura@trendinozze
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 9:06

    a cozy afternoon at home sipping tea and reading is a true luxury!
    Il tuo micetto è bellissimo!

  4. DustyLu
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 9:06

    Your Home is beautiful! Great Photograph! ~lulu

  5. RedFenyx
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 9:25

    So cute black kitty!
    I agree, lot of snow here in Bologna!
    Had to go out yesterday, and wasn't a great experience, I got home with my feet terribly wet… my fault I guess… going out with skate sneackers XD
    It seems you had a lovely relaxing afternoon!

  6. Carte Blanche
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 9:35

    It sounds like you had a very good and cozy evening! 🙂
    Sweet black kitten!

  7. Mela
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 9:49

    Hai descritto il mio pomeriggio ideale (sostituirei il thè con la cioccolata calda però!), e i quadri sono perfetti per il tuo salotto, particolari ma discreti. Buona giornata!

  8. Anna
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 10:05

    Federica…what a beautiful space to come home to…I love everything from your new paintings to your cheeky little cat ; ) Just gorgeous! x

  9. l'atelier di Pilaf
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 10:05

    Mai come quest'anno sento il bisogno del sole.. però una giornata coccolosa come la tua è proprio un must delle giornate nevose..qualche piccolo lato positivo c'è!!
    Buon week end..incrocio le dita per il giveaway!

  10. Lovely Home
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 10:07

    Ciao Federica
    Mi piace guardare bello si vive (;
    Questo gattino dolce e immagini uscì fantastica
    Vi saluto con un caloroso benvenuto ((:

  11. ThiliBlooms
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 10:19

    What a cozy living room! Your house is beautiful!
    Have a wonderful day 🙂

  12. Lavanta Bahçesi
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 10:22

    sounds fantastic, by the way your living room looks so calming ohh girl just lik mine, I love white, I love my Home, my tiny apartment 😉

  13. Helena - A Diary of Lovely
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 10:36

    your home is exactly what I would imagine for you! so sweet, I really like it!

  14. Arianna
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 10:38

    Che bella casa tua! Sembra uscita proprio dalla pagine di Casa Chich!
    E il tuo micino è adorabile! Adoro i gatti!
    Buona giornata!

  15. Etta
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 11:06

    Ciao 🙂
    Che bel salotto che hai… complimenti!!
    Il tuo gatto è troppo cucciolo!!

  16. mela
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 11:19

    Che senso di benessere aver immaginato per un attimo questo tuo pomeriggio… grazie!
    E che meraviglioso gatto!
    Buona giornata.

  17. Kom Achterom
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 12:04

    oh what a nice livingroom you have.
    I'll come over and drink a cup of thee whit you
    I wish i could but there is a big distance between us
    untill next time Yolanda

  18. RosieP
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 12:24

    Lovely pictures.

    Hugs RosieP x

  19. paula
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 12:36

    it's all so pretty. Love the art addition.

  20. becky
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 12:55

    Lovely pic of your home Federica!Oh and the kitty is so sweet too,lol.

    Im glad its you getting all that snow now.here in the states where Iam it has stopped and all of the 12 inches plus has melted.We got snow all winter here just like that snow snow snow.Over and over and it never stopped.Its much better than previous years of ice storms.

    Enjoy the reast of the week!~~Becky

  21. New England Girl
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 12:55

    That room is exquisite. I could see myself curled up there on a snowy day with a mug of steaming green tea and a cozy blanket. It looks like perfection!

  22. kikka
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 13:12

    Oh…che atmosfera serena!Una rivista,un tè,le fusa del tuo gatto…basta davvero poco x vivere attimi felici.Io nn vedo l'ora di tornare a casa e trascorrere qualche ora con la mia gatta.Buona giornata,Frà

  23. Petite mademoiselle J
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 13:52


    Ooh your home definitely looks like you! Those paintings are so nice 🙂


  24. Melanie
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 14:06

    Your home is so beautiful…it looks like a perfect place to curl up with a good book and a cozy blanket!


  25. mimi charmante
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 14:30

    sounds like a perfectly cozy afternoon to me – dreamy and peaceful. would you mind if join you next time – I could use some of that!
    have a lovely rest of your week,

  26. dekorating
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 14:50

    You have a very beautiful living roomm!!!Very romantic!!!!!!!;-)

  27. Anonimo
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 15:16

    Your home is fabulous!
    Could you, please, tell me were did you buy that letters? I just love them…I live here in Italy.

    Grazie mille,


  28. Mara
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 15:35

    Ciao Federica! Prima di tutto: complimenti!! hai una casa bellissima! Si vede che curi ogni particolare con amore! Poi: grazie mille per essere diventata mia follower!!!!! Infine: anch'io amo i gatti!!! Fra poco presenterò il mio rossissimo Torakiki!
    Buona serata!

  29. Certain Creatures
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 15:47

    Love your afternoon plan and I also love your home!
    looking forward to the new giveaway!
    hope the snow melts… well, the sun is out now at least!
    a prestoooo

  30. caroline @ patagonia gifts
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 16:03

    oh my! that sweetie is exactly like my darling Micifuz! aren't they such a good company? xo

  31. Morning T
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 16:47

    What a heavenly way to spend a snowy day in your absolutely gorgeous home!! Pure eye candy.

  32. Teresa
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 17:12

    Is that your living room???
    And your kitty???
    I want to come to Italy…NOW!!
    Oh what a cozy space!

  33. Rayia
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 17:50

    Sounds like a wonderful afternoon!
    And what a lovely home you have!

  34. Cat
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 19:06

    Well despite the weather, sure looks like you are armed for coziness (as is your precious little kitty…what a cutie!)

  35. The Neo-Traditionalist
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 19:15

    What a lovely place you have!!! The new artwork is fantastic—what a great addition! XO Katie

  36. Kristin
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 19:49

    Loooove this post! Your home really looks good and those paintings are perfect!!

    xo's Kristin

  37. Dawn-Hydrangea Home
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 20:32

    Beautiful blog and home. I found your link over at Dreamy Whites. Have a great day!

  38. Dario Ferrari Photos
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 21:23

    Ma che belle foto! specialmente quella del micio è proprio bella!!

    …per il discorso neve…non so li..ma..direi che 60-70cm di neve sono decisamente TANTI..!


  39. A.J. at NighBluey Herald
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 22:03

    Federica, I know that snow and cold can be very frusrating this time of the year – you dealt with it the right way – staying at your cozy, beautiful place! Your kitty is dreamy! I have three and I love them to death! Will post pictures some time as well….have a good weekend – it's around the corner and hopefully, it will bring beautiful, spring weather again! ox

  40. Mary Jo from TrustYourStyle
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 22:03

    Oh Federica, your home looks so comfy and pretty! I love your new paintings–I just adore getting new things for my home. And your sweet kitty! (I used to have 2 black ones) now they are gone and I have 2 gray and white ones–so perfect for keeping me company when it's cold and wet outside! Hope you stay warm!

    xo Mary Jo

  41. Queen Bee
    11 Marzo 2010 alle 23:54

    Hello Federica….sorry I've been absent. Long story…but I missed visiting you…Love the pics your home is FABULOUS! And your cat is adorable…I have a little black cat myself with gold eyes….Take care and wishing you a wonderful weekend! Denise

  42. Berlin Deluxxe
    12 Marzo 2010 alle 1:53

    Do stay warm and cozy in your lovely home 🙂

  43. Rochelle
    12 Marzo 2010 alle 6:05

    There are some advantages to having it snow….we are able to just relax and cuddle up with our latest reads! Love your home!

  44. Gracie
    12 Marzo 2010 alle 7:32

    Oh my your house is beautiful! It looks so cosy and there are so many inspirational pieces. I can see why you can sit there all warm with a book. x

  45. Flaviana
    12 Marzo 2010 alle 8:15

    mi ripeto lo so ma.. la tua casa mi piace troppo! Non è che dovevi fare l'interior designer invece che l'avvocato ??? le stampe sono magnifiche, ci stanno divinamente nel tuo salotto , complimenti vivissimi
    Bacioni, Flaviana

  46. Jacqueline
    12 Marzo 2010 alle 9:36

    Your living room looks wonderful, Federica. Do you think of me everytime you look at your 'HOME' sign !!!! haha.
    I have just seen on the news how terrible the weather has been all over Europe. Even Venice is covered in snow.I hope that it improves for you soon.
    Enjoy putting your feet up and relaxing with your beautiful kitten. XXXX

  47. Catherine
    12 Marzo 2010 alle 11:28

    Your house is stunning & i love your style! That photo of your living room could easily be in a magazine! I wish mine was like it:)

    Love your blog – it's defiantly one I'm going to enjoy visiting regularly!

  48. chiara.p
    12 Marzo 2010 alle 12:40

    Federica, la tua casa è adorabile… mi piace tutto!!!

  49. Pinecone Camp
    14 Marzo 2010 alle 2:27

    Your home looks lovely and inviting!
    Adorable cat too! I hope the snow isn't too much trouble…I wish we would get some!

  50. Dreamy Whites
    14 Marzo 2010 alle 5:14

    I have missed you, I am trying to catch up, I haven't been able to visit for a few days. I love your home. I love the picture of your living room. I love your style. It looks so inviting. I love your cat as well. We have two cats. My girls wouldn't know what to do without their cats. Hope you are having a great morning~its evening for me.
    Take Care,

  51. erin :)
    14 Marzo 2010 alle 6:05

    lovely photos! you blog always has beautiful thoughts and posts. 🙂

    by the way, i don't think i told you, but i tagged you for a blog award in this post: http://erinykim.blogspot.com/2010/03/too-good-to-be-true.html. 🙂 thanks for your lovely posts and blog! 🙂

  52. Sarah
    14 Marzo 2010 alle 8:30

    your home is so pretty. I love the colors and the new art. lovely.

  53. Splendid Willow
    15 Marzo 2010 alle 5:10

    Beautiful girl deserves a beautiful home! What a lovely room, Fedrica. Warm, genuine, beautiful and so inviting. (And I love cats – have 2 myself).

    Is it true what lovely Gaia writes about you on her blog??!! (:



  54. gLo=)
    15 Marzo 2010 alle 16:40

    Che bella casa!Sembra uscita da una rivista!=D

  55. The Little Red Shop
    17 Marzo 2010 alle 7:26

    Oh…what a lovely, perfect day! (I say from the sofa, with a blanket on my lap and a kitty in a basket beside me).

    : )

    Julie M.


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