Party Planning

Federica Piccinini


Next Monday will be my B-Day and I’m planning my  birthday party! This Saturday evening I will have a dinner with some of my friends. I’m drawing up a list of my requirements and I’m working on this pretty project.

I have so many thing to do! Clean my house, set the table and the atmosphere, we are more than ten person so I have to prepare many things to eat. I will prepare three new salads cake that I want to try. My new birthday gift (from my grandma) will help me!…
Aren’t these so cute? The project is soo simple but so pretty!

Preparing a perfect birthday party is probably more difficult than I thought. You need to do a lot of preparations like  deciding upon the best cuisine, and getting the invitation list ready.

{You can easily download these pretty template via  Morning by Foley and Ruffled Blog}

And now it’s the time to celebrate the winner of the gorgeous Petite Coterie Giveaway!

The winner is….

Congratulations to Laura Trevey from Bright, Bold, and Beautiful!!

Girls, don’t miss my next B-Day Giveaway, 
this Sunday on Sweet as a Candy!

{I haven’t counted doubles and comments out of time}

Ci sono 36 commenti

  1. Laura@trendinozze
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 8:53

    Le bandierine sono adorabili, le ho sempre volute fare per le mie cupcakes!
    Io quest'anno faccio i grandi 30.. mi aiuti con la festa 😉 ??

    Per gli auguri ufficiali ripasso lunedì però!

    buon week end!

  2. It's me
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 9:01

    So cute this flags…….have a good time to with the preparations of your birthday party !!


  3. Tiina
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 9:36

    i can't wait to see how your party turns out! have a sweet weekend my friend!

  4. Agnieszka
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 9:44

    Federica, we all can't wait for photos from your party..and judging by what you have done so far and the preparations you describe, it will be fantastic!!! Congratulations, Laura, on winning the giveaway!
    Some North Americans may find it a little surprising that you are doing all this work for your own party – it's a very European thing and I still do it too (I was raised in Europe) – in North America, birthday parties are usually organized by the friends and family, not the birthday person herself…oxoxo AJ

  5. Eleonora
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 10:01

    Che peccato per ilm giveaaway!!:(
    Comunque stupenda l'atmosfera che stai creando.. scommetto che sarà tutto perfetto.. poi quelle bandierine sono davvero adorabili!!
    Un bacio, Eleonora.

  6. Helena - A Diary of Lovely
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 10:01

    what a lovely idea Federica, I will download them for sure, love them, can't wait to see the overall result, it's going to be great I'm sure! Have a great great time, and thanks for entering my giveaway darling xoxo

  7. Certain Creatures
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 10:04

    Che belle le bandierine!! very cute, simple and elegant!
    Can't wait to see the rest of the party pics!
    Buona giornata e buon weekend!


    congrats to the lucky winner

  8. Marina
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 10:45

    Those little flags are so divine!
    Looking forward to your party pics … don't work too hard … remember it is your day also and you need some pampering too!!

    Have a fun time.

  9. Rita
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 11:05

    Bè farai fatica ma sai che bella soddisfazione vedere i tuoi ospiti estasiati dall'atmosfera, dalla cucina… 🙂
    Ripasso lunedì per gli auguri, cmq buon party!!!

    Ps. ma quale sarebbe il regalo della nonna che ti aiuta in cucina??

    Ri Benny

  10. Casa Mia * My House *
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 11:35

    It's your birthday party, yay! Enjoy the memories and have fun while preparing. Can't wait to hear all about it. Thanks for the links. Great idea to keep!

  11. love lives in the kitchen
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 11:57

    hi federica, your party will be perfect, i'm sure about that! you are a great host and all your dinners/parties are so charming!
    these small flagas are cute! i just love your style!
    have a great day and a happy happy birthday party!!!
    with love,

  12. My Passport to Style
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 12:11

    Sweet flags, congratulations to Laura!Thought you might like to know about my fabulous Topshop scarf giveaway, over on My Passport to Style, do please enter. Sharon xx

  13. Angel.Pearls
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 12:17

    I guess it's gonna be a great party!!..I'll be there to celebrate you!! Love//Eva

  14. caroline @ patagonia gifts
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 12:42

    those flags are so cute! hope you have a lovely weekend preparing your party! xo

  15. Laura Trevey
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 13:16


    I am beside myself with excitement!
    This is a wonderful surprise…

    Thank you and have a bright, bold, and beautiful day!

    xoxo Laura

    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 14:10

    Just love the way you're preparing your party (sounds familiar… it's all in the details!). Hope you find time to enjoy YOUR day too!!! Don't forget!!
    Wishing you the best birthday party ever & can't wait to see the pictures!!
    Bisous, Chantal

  17. gio - il mio carnet di viaggio
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 14:19

    sono curiosa di vedere le foto della tua casa e la tavola apparecchiata

  18. House of Giggles
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 15:15

    Those little flags are adorable! I love them in every way 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

  19. paula
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 15:16

    oh what fun! Happy early Birthday.

  20. Sandy
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:09

    i love these adorable designed pennants! thanks for sharing and happy early birthday!!

  21. Dionne
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 17:05

    How lovely! I am sure it will be gorgeous! Have a beautiful time!

  22. Annalisa
    19 Febbraio 2010 alle 18:17

    Che bella idea la cena con gli amici per festeggiare!!.. io invece è un sacco che non festeggio il mio compleanno.. sono un pò pigra.. mi riprometto che il prossimo compleanno lo festeggerò!.. magari ti chiederò anche qualche consiglio!
    Buon week end Federica!

  23. erin :)
    20 Febbraio 2010 alle 0:06

    that's so exciting! i hope you have a wonderful birthday! my birthday is coming up next week as well. 🙂 i'm planning to go bowling with a few friends. buon compleanno a ti! (i hope that's right..)

    congrats to laura; she's so lucky!

  24. Padgett Hoke
    20 Febbraio 2010 alle 0:55

    Those are the cutest things ever! I love the paper you used, so fantastic!

  25. Carolyn
    20 Febbraio 2010 alle 2:38

    Have fun preparing for your birthday party-look forward to pics!


  26. Rose
    20 Febbraio 2010 alle 3:43

    Happy Birthday Bella! Your Blog always gives me such great pleasure to read and see the things your create and do.

    Thank you for sharing. I'm Italian but never been to Italy. I want to see things through your eyes!

    Hugs, Rose

  27. Kim
    20 Febbraio 2010 alle 14:50

    Federica – you have a wonderful blog and you are one very talented lady! So glad to have found you. Now stop by sometime for a visit and be sure to enter my giveaway!

  28. Jacqueline
    20 Febbraio 2010 alle 15:14

    Dear Federica,
    From some of your past posts where you have had parties before, they look wonderful. You always decorate your table beautifully and have delicious things to eat and I'm sure that you will make your birthday even more special…. and congratulations to Laura on winning Michelle's cushion. I have that one and it's gorgeous. XXXX

  29. vintage frenchhen
    20 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:11

    What a beautiful blog you have! Good luck with the birthday party, aren't they fun? Please come visit my blog if you get a chance, oh and my sister Dana's as well! Hers is Her husband is from Naples and obviously she loves all things Italian! Have a great weekend, Marcia

  30. titti73
    20 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:19

    Buoni preparativi! Tanto lo so che sarai bravissima a stupire anche stavolta i tuoi ospiti. Titti

  31. RobinBirdsNest
    20 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:35

    Your little flags are adorable! Thanks for sharing all your lovely birthday party creations! Have a wonderful birthday!

  32. Simply Colette
    20 Febbraio 2010 alle 19:32

    Have a great time at your party! congrats to Laura.


  33. Kris
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 2:46

    Can't wait to see what you did for the b'day festivities!!!

  34. Marz
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 4:58

    oooo, good luck planning! I have a love/ hate relationship with planning anything, I love the end result, but am not fond of the work!

  35. Två systrar
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 6:46

    Hello F!
    Lovely Flags! I saved one picture as inspiration…Im also planning a party, well its actually my wedding, but its a lot to think about but great fun! ( my husband to be is Italian 😉 )
    We get back to you! Lovely blog! Lots of love C&M

  36. pinkstilettos
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 12:53

    Happy Birthday! Your little flags are cute! Hope you have a great party!


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