Florence~Part One

Federica Piccinini

Finally Sunday was a beautiful and sunny day here in Italy. Me and my Love took a trip to Florence. It’s near Bologna, just 35 minutes of train. 
Every inch of the city is filled with history and charm.
We walked down to the Arno river and along its banks to the Ponte Vecchio bridge.
What could be more romantic than a long walk in Florence? Maybe Venice? Next time!
{photos by me}

Ci sono 53 commenti

  1. Helena - A Diary of Lovely
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 9:34

    gorgeous, I really really want to visit Florence some time soon, you look fab Federica! Love you sunnies and jacket!
    Have a nice day xx

  2. Lavinia Creati-Vita
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 9:45

    I Love Florence!
    Anch´io ci sono andata con il mio Love un anno fa, incredibilmente romantica…maybe better than Venice!
    Bellissime le tue foto, come sempre!

  3. decomarta
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 9:56

    Wow! So beautiful! Maybe someday I will visit this charming and full of history city too.

  4. betty
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 10:05

    Firenze è sempre meravigliosamente romantica…
    e soprattutto è sempre da scoprire…ogni angolino è arte, io da prof. di storia dell'arte, impazzisco quando vedo delle belle fotografie come le tue…
    buona giornata
    ciao ciao

  5. Exquisite Accessories
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 10:14

    Gorgeous I so love Florence, visited many moons ago, I was actually watching a program on TV last night about Florence 🙂

  6. titti73
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 10:29

    Eh si! Ci stiamo dando alla pazza gioia con la nuova Canon eh?

  7. Certain Creatures
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 10:36

    Foto STUEPNDE queste di Firenze.. anch'io ci sono stata pochi mesi fa ed è sempre bello fotografarla con il sole!!
    Buona giornata
    …and I'm sooo curious to see part two!


  8. Eleonora
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 10:49

    Firenze è davvero meravigliosa.. ci sono stata cinque volte e ci tornerei subito! Sicuramente anche Venezia ha il suo fascino, ma dopo cinque anni da pendolare su e giù e con la sua poca praticità come città universitaria diciamo che se posso faccio gite altrove ^_^!!
    Complimenti per le foto..!
    Un bacio, Eleonora.

  9. kikka
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 11:12

    Ciao Federica!Voglio essere banale…Firenze è bellissima!I nostri wend ci hanno visto spesso lì e a Roma…anche a noi manca Venezia e,con l'arrivo della primavera,dobbiamo recuperare!! =)
    Stiamo aspettando il nostro viaggio…festeggeremo il 1' anno di matrimonio a New York!!nn vediamo l'ora-doveva essere la luna di miele…America e Messico!ma poi…ci fu la febbre suina a 3settimane dal matrimonio e annullammo tutto!Siamo stati cmq felicissimi della nst settimana a Capo Verde!Ma…New York è il nst sogno!Buona giornata!Frà

  10. love lives in the kitchen
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 11:23

    hi federica, i love florence! i spent a lot of time in florence when i was a student – that's where i started to study italian 🙂 i lived in piazza santa maria novella, just nearby the duomo, it was such a lovely time for me… i haven't been to florence lately… thanks to your post i think i'm going to take a trip, at the beginning of spring i guess..
    have a lovely day and thank you for sgharing these beautiful pictures!

  11. l'atelier di Pilaf
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 11:41

    Brava fede..un po di meritate mini vacanzine servono sempre..
    Chissa' cos'altro ci farai vedere..!
    La cosa che mi piace di piu' in assoluto di Firenze e' la sera..nella piazzetta degli artisti di strada..c'e' un'atmosfera unica!

  12. Kristin
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 11:44

    Oh…Florence looks beautiful! I certainly have to go there some time! Gorgeous buildings – a very nice post!!

    Hugs, Kristin

  13. Jojo
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 11:56

    What a lovely outing! Thank you for taking us along!!

  14. BonjourRomance
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 13:05

    Bonjour Federica,
    Just found your beautiful blog via Katrina of The Page of Inspiration. Florence looks wonderful, I'm not too far here in Pris so I need to make time to visit.
    I love the name of your blog. I'll be following along and will be back soon.

  15. Angel.Pearls
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 13:15

    Florens seem like a very romantic and nice place! Have a great day, Love//Eva

  16. Kris
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 13:22

    Only 35 minutes from Florence/! Oh, the life! :o)

  17. Tracey
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 13:32

    Hello sweet Federica! *Sigh* your pictures are amazing!! My husband and I are going to Paris in April, but Italy is most definitely next on my list!!! My father's family is from Lucca…

    Have a great day ~

    🙂 T

  18. paula
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 13:33

    how beautiful. I dream of going there one day.

  19. Rachel
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 14:40

    whoa I was just talking to a friend about how when my chance to travel comes around I am totally going to Bologna… coinky dink that you posted about it? I think not!

    lovely photos 🙂

  20. mimi charmante
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 14:44

    how incredibly romantic – what a beautiful place to spend time with the one you love!

  21. becky
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 14:53

    Gorgeous! Its looks so pretty there.Some day id like to visit.So many things to see, and the jewelery they say is awesome in Italy!

    Have a beautiful day Federica!

  22. Marina
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 14:55

    The Duomo is absolutely stunning … and I love Florence very much!
    Every time I see it, it just seems like a huge big cutout … so perfect and unbelievable!

    Cant wait to see more of your photos!

  23. Francesca
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 15:03

    Bellissima Firenze! Ci sono stata da ragazza e mi piacerebbe ritornarci! A presto. Francy

  24. Blondie's Journal
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 15:21

    Oh, how romantic!! Lovely photos and you look so pretty!


  25. tammy
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 15:59

    lovely to find your blog via two ellie! your pictures are inspirational.

  26. ba
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:07

    wow wow wow sempre bellissima!firenze ma anche tu!

  27. SB
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:19

    oh wow — gorgeous. my dream destination.

  28. caroline @ patagonia gifts
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:45

    oh I loved so much Florence! beautiful pics, Federica! enjoy! xo

  29. Pinecone Camp
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:47

    Florence looks like a magical city. One of these days……
    Have a lovely day!

  30. Betty Jo
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:54

    Hi Federica! You have a gorgeous blog and I will explore it further. Thanks so much for coming by and leaving a comment. ♥

  31. Lillian Chang
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 17:19

    These photos are gorgeous!!
    Florence has such amazingly beautiful architecture…
    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  32. Tammy@ A Doctor in the House
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 17:20

    Awesome pics! I can only dream. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a nice comment. Hope you'll come back and visit often!

  33. VogueOntheRange
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 17:33

    You are SOOO pretty!!! I LOVE your bangs!

  34. juicy j
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 17:35

    ahh! god im so jealous.
    i need to go to italy so bad.
    how beautiful is everything there.
    wow your pictures are amazing!
    and i love those shades!

  35. Emily
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 18:30

    I have fond memories of wandering around Florence! It looks like a beautiful weekend!

  36. Tracy is ... Loving Pretty Things
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 18:34

    soooo beautiful! We went there on our honeymoon almost 9 years ago, and went back again 4 years ago….I can't get enough of Italy!

    Such a fabulous county, amazing people, stunning decor, and the best food on the planet. Simple, elegant & delicious!

    We started our honeymoon in Lake Como & The Villa Serbellioni. sigh….now THAT is romantic………!

    Fabulous photos!!

  37. Jacqueline
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 19:50

    Oh Federica,
    Florence is one of my most favourite cities. I can remember turning a corner and there, in front of me, was the Duomo. I don't think that I shut my mouth for a full 5 minutes.
    … and the Ponte Vecchio is divine…… oh, I could go on, and on.
    A beautiful City full of history and charm and you are very lucky to live only 35minutes away from the beautiful Floence. Venice is just s wonderful to me. XXXX

  38. Mary Jo from TrustYourStyle
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 20:10

    I went to art school in Florence, it will always have a soft spot in my heart! You look adorable and chic as always! Hope all is well with you Federica!

    xo Mary Jo

  39. Oxana
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 20:14

    Bellissime foto! Io purtroppo non sono stata a Firenze ma prima o poi ce ne andrò!
    Un bacione!

  40. carolina postcard
    10 Febbraio 2010 alle 21:27

    How wonderful! My husband and I were there for a couple days this past summer and had such a beautiful time. Gorgeous photos and so glad the sun came out for you!

  41. Auntie Cake
    11 Febbraio 2010 alle 0:42

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. I am going to put Florence on my list of must visit places. I just adore all that beautiful architecture!

  42. Truthful Mommy
    11 Febbraio 2010 alle 1:01

    Oh my, the photos are gorgeous, as is your entire blog. I found you through another blog that I am following. Please come and visit..http://motherhoodthetruth.blogspot.com/
    I will have to travel vicariously through your site, as I am currently staying home with my beautiful 2 and 4 year old girls:)Cheers!

  43. Marz
    11 Febbraio 2010 alle 4:35

    Your photos are just stunning. What a wonderful experience for you and your man. You look so pretty too!

  44. Sarah
    11 Febbraio 2010 alle 7:04

    so beautiful. you are a lucky lady!

  45. Tiina
    11 Febbraio 2010 alle 7:31

    I love Florence, it's been such a long time I was there… have a lovely day!

  46. Splendid Willow
    11 Febbraio 2010 alle 7:48

    Federica dear, you just made my day! I have ONLY great memories from Firenze where I once went to study Italian (my favorite language – WAY before Swedish!). I only stayed for 2 months – and I can't say that I learned much Italian (but I remember ordering meet in Italian at the local butcher shop) but boy did I have fun in that amazing city! (And speaking Italian fluently is still on my to-do-list). Your photos are wonderful and you look terrific too! xx Mon

  47. Dreamy Whites
    11 Febbraio 2010 alle 8:58

    I love your photos. I hope to someday take a visit. So beautiful!
    Take Care,

  48. Grabka
    11 Febbraio 2010 alle 14:54

    Hello!Your pictures are fantastic!I hope I visit Florence. Greetings from Poland!

  49. jmac
    11 Febbraio 2010 alle 17:22

    I have images of those exact same places!! Boy, does this ever bring back some wonderful memories!!

  50. erin :)
    11 Febbraio 2010 alle 21:34

    wow; i love all your photos. the colors and designs are beautiful. i've always wanted to go to italy, maybe one day! thanks for sharing!

  51. Mi Vida Bonita
    12 Febbraio 2010 alle 22:27

    Florence looks AMAZING. I studies Italian Renaissance in college, and loved it. Your blog is beautiful too lady, thanks for stopping by mine. I am adding yours to my lovely blog roll!

    xoxo Happy Valentines Day

  52. craftygal86
    13 Febbraio 2010 alle 3:25

    I love love love LOVE Firenze! There's still a little piece of my heart there <3

  53. Rosa Blu
    15 Febbraio 2010 alle 12:48

    Firenze is such a wonderful and stunning city! Good memories about that city, my husband and I met our good friend A. there and since then we have a beautiful friendship!
    He still lives close to Tuscany, so I can hardly wait to go there again!

    Have a nice week!



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