Fern & Flora ~ B-Day Giveaway

Federica Piccinini

Girls tomorrow will be my birthday!!! Yeah!!! I’m 27 years old now…time passes quickly! My birthday celebrations started on Friday, with a wonderful lunch. Yesterday I had a fun party with my friends (I will show you some pics!) and tomorrow evening I will have a romantic dinner with my guy.

I thought it would be a great idea to celebrate it with a gorgeous new giveaway for all my lovely readers and follower from Fern and Flora.

Emily creates fantastic headbands, flower hair clips and she also dabble with paper with beautiful paper wreaths and vintage collages.

Could you tell us a little about yourself and your lovely shop? 
I’m a floral designer by day with a background in interior design. I love to poke around flea markets and estate sales and look for treasures on the cheap. Once I began making headbands, the trips for vintage goodies became more frequent and that’s one of my favorite parts about what I do. I decided to open an Etsy shop last summer to feature my headbands an paper wreaths. I love all things paper too and am contemplating starting a second Etsy shop with my paper wreaths, garlands, baby mobiles and things like that. Hopefully, that will happen one day soon!

How did you get started making your cute headbands?

I began making headbands when I decided to promove my floral design business throught some local boutiques and craft fairs but needed other items to sell also. I love vintage fabric and jewelry and thought making one-of-a-kind headbands with old elements would be an interesting creative endeavor. When people strated buying them, I was happily surprised and decided to open an Etsy shop. Etsy has been a lovely way to launch my headbands. I’ve met so many create and fabulous people.

Do you have any advice for friends who are starting their own shop?

For anyone who is contemplating opening a shop on etsy, my advice is simple: do it! My friend Betsy often says “nothing ventured nothing gained” and it’s so true. When I opened my shop, it was a Saturday afternoon an I had been at a boutique all day and was feeling tired. I only had one image of one item, but I put it up anyway and slowly added more and more items. It’s ok to take your time. Building any sort of business is a process and I remind myself of that every day. Also, I think it’s important to spend time on Etsy looking at other shops, conversing with other sellers, making treasuries and getting involved in forums. It does tike time, but it’s also rather fun and when you open your email and see that you’ve had a sale, it’s a fabulous feeling.

The lucky winner of this giveaway will receive this beautiful headband! 

 {a mocha colored fabric band with a vibrant peacock feather

and vintage burnished button} 

  Anyone who leaves a comment on this post during the next 7 days 
is automatically entered in the draw!
For an additional entry, you can blog about my giveaway,
just leave a comment with the link! 
Giveaway ends on Sunday, February 28 at 8 pm (local time).
Winner to be announced on Monday, March 1.
~ If you have a company or an online store and you desire to allow Sweet as a Candy to host your giveaway, feel free to send me an email at federica.piccinini@gmail.com ~

Ci sono 77 commenti

  1. stralunata
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 15:51

    sono la prima?mmm…speriamo porti fortuna.grazie per il giveaway…bellissimo il regalo e soprattutto happy b*day to u!!!!

  2. DesertChildAZ
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 15:59

    I can't quite explain my love of peacock feathers. I mean, what a magnificent creature!? The vibrancy and the shimmer of their feathers….what beauty!

    That said, this photo makes me want to color my hair dark again!

  3. Irene b
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:03

    chissà se lasciando il primo messaggio sarò fortunata! speriamo!buona domenica!

  4. Grandma Yellow Hair
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:06

    Just love my visits at your lovely site. You inspire me to get busy and do things around my home.
    Love your headband giveaway. Please enter me and I will put this on my side bar sometime today

  5. Melaine Thompson
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:10

    Yay! The first to comment! I would love this, it's gorgeous and I love your blog! Melaine

  6. rosa
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:14

    ciao augurissimi, ti invidio troppo giovane! cque partecipo anche questa volta, speriamo grazie buona serata rosa

  7. buttercup caren
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:20

    Happy Birthday!
    Such a lovely birthday giveaway, too – loves that headband! 🙂

  8. Victoria
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:20

    What a beautiful headband. I'd love to enter x

  9. buttercup caren
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:20

    Happy Birthday! And such a lovely birthday giveaway – that headband is delish! 🙂

  10. juicy j
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:46

    oh birthday! thats so exciting.
    birthdays are my favorite.
    i love that headband so i think im gonna enter.
    it is beautiful.
    i hope that you have an amazzinnggg birthday and that you get some lovely things!

  11. SB
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 17:00

    oh wow. count me in.
    i will post about this later in the week and then tag back to you!

  12. daisychain
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 17:18

    Wow, birthday wishes for tomorrow sweetie x

  13. Fabrizia
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 17:33

    Happy birthday Federica!
    Wow! This headbands are really wonderful! I think their so feminine!

  14. La Maison
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 17:57

    Happy Birthday!!
    Such a nice headband, count me in please.

  15. Tamanna A. Shaikh
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 18:24

    Awww birthdays!! Just aww! 🙂 Happy birthday in advance Federica!! 🙂

    By the way, I got peacock-feather ear-rings for my friend from India and the feather is just the same!

  16. Aga at NighBluey Herald
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 18:25

    Most importantly, Federica – Happy Special Day to you! I am so glad you had a nice time with your friends -we look forward to seeing photos, please, and hearing all about it…your giveaway item is very beautiful – so nice of you to give us a chance to enjoy this! Much love to you AJ
    PS: I have a giveaway on my blog as well but not something you can wear on your head hehe

  17. Daniela
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 18:26

    Tantissimi auguri di buon compleanno!!!
    Tento la fortuna anche questa volta, incrocio le dita…
    Grazie per la visita al mio blog, Daniela.

  18. Auntie Cake
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 18:52

    Have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful birthday, you sweet girl! Hope your party was spectacular, and I can't wait to see all the pictures of your preparations. I loved your sweet flags, and am quite sure your party planning made for the best party.
    Enjoy your day!

  19. A.C.
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 19:14

    happy birthday! I hear that 27 is a great year 🙂

  20. Rochelle
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 19:33

    Happy Birthday Federica! Here's to you having a fantastic day filled with joy and happiness on your 27th birthday….thank you so much for the giveaway!

  21. ~*~ saskia ~*~
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 20:14

    Happy Happy Birthday Federica! Enjoy your giveaway. I'm off now to visit Emily…. Bye Bye. Oh, and have a wonderful week!

  22. Lindsay [Bella Cene']
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 20:16

    Happy Birthday!!

  23. Rita
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 20:19

    Auguri!!!!! 27enne! 😮 una ragazzina… non vedo l'ora vedere le foto della cena di ieri… chissà che cose belle avrai creato!

    Per il fantastico giveaway… bè speriamo in bene. E' davvero elegante.

    Ri Benny

  24. It's me
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 20:19

    What a beautiful headband !!

    I like to win………..have a good week greetz Ria

    And a happy birthday tommerow…

    Have you see mine give away??

  25. rosanguyen
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 20:34

    Wow the peacock feather really catches people's attention :O

  26. Helena - A Diary of Lovely
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 21:07

    what a beautiful giveaway darling! thank you! Happy Birthday for tomorrow xoxo

  27. Oxana
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 21:19

    Ciao Federica,
    tanti auguroni di buoncompleanno!!!
    Sei ancora ragazzina!
    Un bacione!

  28. fernandflora
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 21:22

    What a lovely post! Thank you, thank you for allowing me to sponsor a giveaway – on your weekend birthday no less!

    Happy 27th dear Federica!


  29. House of Giggles
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 21:27

    Happy Birthday tomorrow, Frederica! I hope you have a perfect day 🙂


  30. caroline joy
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 21:39

    Happy Birthday Federica! Can't wait to see pics! I love Emily's work — and I love Emily. She is such a sweet talented girl and such a pretty headband model too 🙂

  31. Anonimo
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 21:47

    Happy Birthday to you the big 27!: ) What a gorgeous headband that is! She's so creative! Thanks. sunkistmas [at] gmail [dot] com

  32. Eleonora
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 22:21

    Here I am! Considerato il mio sviscerato amore per i cerchietti-headbands, che ancora mi ostino a portare con fiocchetti, brillantini e farfalline nonostante abbia finito medie e liceo qualche annetto fa… Va beh!

  33. MrsGraph
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 22:22

    Happy birthday! Great giveaway.

  34. Eleonora
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 22:23

    Ops, chiedo scusa per il secondo post di seguito, naturalmente un felicissimo ispiratissimo compleanno e buona settimana!!!

  35. Mamma che fatica!
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 22:26

    Sono passata di qui per caso e mi aggrego Happy Birthday!

  36. Renee'
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 22:52

    I would love this, and i love your blog.-Renee'

  37. Evelyn
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 23:03

    Hi Frederica, your blog is really beautiful. I love your style. My late husband was of Italian heritage but we were never able to visit Italy while he was alive. So I can vicariously visit through your beautiful pictures. Have a wonderful birthday. And I'll be back to visit again soon.

  38. Innere
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 23:03

    wow!!! really beautiful headband!!!!!

  39. Ashley
    21 Febbraio 2010 alle 23:52

    Happy Birthday!! I love the headband, I am addicted to headbands right now!


  40. Mc Allen
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 2:01

    I like peacock too. you are so creative ( I think Ive mentioned that here before!) I hope you had a fabuloud Sunday!1 xxoo LA

  41. Sandy
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 2:23

    Happy Birthday! How nice of you to be giving something away on YOUR birthday! Love that peacock headband!

  42. Novelista Barista
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 2:43

    awesome giveaway & happy birthday!!!!!!!!

  43. Emily
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 2:59

    HAPPY HAPPY 27TH BIRTHDAY! I just turned 27 too! February is a great month for birthdays! My husband, my mom and my two best guy friends are all born in this fabulous month too! Hope you have an amazing year!! Cheers!

  44. Nina
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 4:48

    oh this is gorgeous, I want!!
    happy birthday!!


  45. Splendid Willow
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 6:34

    Happy birthday beautiful Federica! It sounds like you are being treated royally! And that you deserve – you wonderful, loyal, talented, creative and fun blog friend! Happy happy! xx Mon

  46. Lara
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 8:01

    Auguroni Fede…sempre stupendi i tuoi giveaway…!!!Bacio

  47. Laura@trendinozze
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 8:43

    Tanti tanti tanti auguroni Federica!

  48. titti73
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 9:34

    Vorrei poter essere originale nel farti gli auguri…..ma come si fanno degli auguri davvero originali? E allora sarò standard, ma col cuore: ti auguro ogni bene possibile, tanta abbondanza, tante risate, tanta salute, ma soprattutto tanta serenità. Io non mi ricordo più i miei 27,se non che avevo già un figlio di cinque anni e avevo appena lasciato l'unico lavoro che abbia mai svolto, dopo sei anni; anzi non mi ricordo più un bel niente di niente. Da quando mi sono sposata il tempo è talmente volato via….Ma quanto sono noiosa! Corro a pubblicare il tuo giveaway sul mio blog e speriamo che stavolta mi vada bene. Tanti auguri Federica la Favolosa Fantastica. Baci, Titti

  49. Etta
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 9:35

    Happy Birthday Federica!! You're so young 🙂 and so wise in the sametime! Complimenti!
    un bacione

  50. Dreamy Whites
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 9:53

    Hello Federica,
    Happy Birthday wishes to you!!!!! I hope you are having a special day! 27, I am 34. 27 seems like such a long time ago for me. I can't wait to see pictures of your special day!
    Take Care,

  51. love lives in the kitchen
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 10:12

    i love this giveaway! i hope to win it 😉
    have a sweet day,

  52. Robs
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 11:47

    incrocio le dita!!!

  53. l'atelier di Pilaf
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 12:38

    Rischiavi di perderlo…wow!
    Incrocio le dita!

  54. Kris
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 14:22

    Another giveaway? You are too generous! Stop by for an award. It may not be posted yet though… I'm still working on it. But keep checking!!!



  55. Certain Creatures
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 14:54

    I love this headband!
    I've got my fingers crossed!!

  56. ~Tonja~
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 15:38

    Happy Birthday….what a sweet headband…Have a Blessed day…
    Sweet Blessings…

  57. Seyma
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:37

    oh that looks awesome Federica!! sweet as a candy 🙂


  58. Mela
    22 Febbraio 2010 alle 17:46

    Che meraviglia…ci provo dai!
    un bacione

  59. chantal
    23 Febbraio 2010 alle 11:33

    Your party just looked so great Frederica! Congratulations on a job so well done!
    And I'm sure you had a lovely romantic diner last night!!

    What a fantastic things Emily makes, just would love them all!! What a creativity!!

    Have a nice day!
    Bisous, Chantal

  60. Holly
    23 Febbraio 2010 alle 12:46

    would love to win – this looks adorable!

  61. Lavinia Creati-Vita
    23 Febbraio 2010 alle 15:03

    Ci provo anche questa volta, in fondo tentar non nuoce!

    Una cosa che apprezzo immensamente del tuo blog sono tutti gli spunti e gli indirizzi che ci regali in ogni post!

    Incrocio le dita e come sempre posto in home il tuo candy!

  62. Roberta
    23 Febbraio 2010 alle 15:04

    Adoro i cerchietti per i capelli, anche se spero di non avere la testa troppo grande per questo…auguri di buon compleanno anche se in ritardo!

  63. Arianna
    23 Febbraio 2010 alle 17:07

    Bellissimo questo giveaway!
    E bellissimo il tuo blog!
    Ancora complimenti!


  64. marianna
    23 Febbraio 2010 alle 17:45

    Ogni volta che apro il tuo blog trovo sempre magiche sorprese! Happy B-Day Federica!

  65. Jill Turner
    23 Febbraio 2010 alle 22:23

    SO pretty! I have been wanting a peacock feather headband, and this one is great!

  66. erin :)
    24 Febbraio 2010 alle 7:50

    please count me in! and i have a little feature on the side of my blog about your giveaway:


    thanks so much for the opportunity! you're so generous to give something away on your birthday! 🙂

  67. Deb
    25 Febbraio 2010 alle 0:22

    Happy Birthday!
    What a beautiful blog you have ♥ Gorgeous feather headband giveaway ~ thankyou.

  68. Kathy
    25 Febbraio 2010 alle 0:50

    Hello Frederica…Nice to meet you and find your very Italian blog!!!!!
    Thanks for entering my giveaway…loved having you ,
    xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings…

    Your headband giveaway is gorgeous!!!!

  69. Silvia
    25 Febbraio 2010 alle 22:07

    Partecipo mooolto volentieri. Che sia la volta buona?
    Un bacione,

  70. Simona
    26 Febbraio 2010 alle 1:37

    Bellissimo giveaway!
    Adoro il cerchietto!
    Complimenti per il blog e tantissimi auguri di buon compleanno! 😀

  71. Framed by Grace
    26 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:07

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! And What a beautiful headband!!

  72. Cara
    26 Febbraio 2010 alle 17:00

    What an adorable headband! Oh, I'd love to own it. Also, happy birthday dear! Still so young! 😀


  73. Lana
    27 Febbraio 2010 alle 5:20

    Yes please! That headband is amazing! So is the wreath, really pretty 🙂

  74. Jessica Hills
    27 Febbraio 2010 alle 8:42

    Happy Late Birthday! That peacock feather headband is so cute!

  75. Anonimo
    28 Febbraio 2010 alle 16:13

    What a lovely headband:it's just green , my favourite colour .
    I've green glasses too : so I can see a wonderful world !

  76. It's me
    4 Marzo 2010 alle 11:35

    It ´s me !!

    I have wrote allready something !!

    Have i now 2 chances to win ……….hihihihihihi!!

    hugs Ria


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