
Federica Piccinini

London is full of famous parks, and in a beautiful sunny day there’s nothing better than admiring the view from one of them.
After a long walk it’s nice to take a break and eat a yummy homemade cake. I would like to introduce you Gracelands Café.
Tiane and James successfully creating a very homely setting with large wodden tables where you can checking your emails on the free Wi-Fi.
Salads, quiche’s, goat’s cheese terrine, curries,… Try their chocolate and carrot cakes!

Ci sono 22 commenti

  1. Mela
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 11:26

    such a cosy place to have a break!

  2. love lives in the kitchen
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 12:23

    i love london! it's good that you have been there: now we can have all this fresh news here 🙂 thank you for this lovely post!

  3. Silvia
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 13:24

    Che favola!
    Ricordo che quando siamo stati con Giacomo piccolino c'erano gli scoiattoli che ti venivano vicinissimi….
    La nuova macchina fotografica è super a quanto vedo, sei comunque brava ad usarla come si deve!

  4. Polly
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 13:45

    Oh, I wanna go to London!:O)

  5. New England Girl
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 14:09

    That cafe looks SO cozy. What a great find! 🙂

  6. Stella Pesci
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 14:53

    What a fun trip…I'm enjoying seeing all the shops and cafes. Thanks for sharing your adventure and photos!
    Have a great new year!
    Stella xxx

  7. The Garden Bell
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 16:14

    OH, how this make me miss Italy. I have to get back there and soon.

  8. marypoppins
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 16:28

    Buon Anno!!

  9. Camilla Fedrigotti Curti
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 16:31

    Ciao Fede! Deve essere stata bella la tua vacanza a Londra, non è vero? Se hai preso il treno che va sotto la manica, spero tu non abbia avuto dei problemi….un caro saluto e ci si vede a Bologna, no??? Cami

  10. Kris
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 17:07

    love those parks! So pretty!

  11. blossom
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 17:46

    you seem to having a wonderful time in london….very jealous of all your cath kidston purchases and those lovely ribbons from liberty from yesterday's post…

    continue having fun xx

  12. Tattered Goods
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 18:52

    Love the park pics… and by the way your hair is fabulous it looks lovely in your new about me 🙂 Enjoy your day!


  13. Federica
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 19:17

    i tuoi post sono sempre magnifici!!

  14. Jacqueline
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 19:44

    London has the most wonderful parks and, a lot of them.
    I love the look of that cafe. I don't know it. I must go and have a cake in there sometime. XXXX

  15. caroline joy
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 19:47

    So glad you're back! Missed your blog and now I'm trying to get caught up on all the things you did in London (one of my favorite places). I'll be in touch soon 🙂

  16. Apt. #34
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 19:53

    More than the cafe, I love your look! And your blog. So glad to have found it. 🙂

  17. Les Cotrions
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 20:15

    Thank you for this so nice trip to London! It's always faboulous visiting this city!!!
    Happy week end!

  18. DustyLu
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 23:24

    Wish I could be there! lulu

  19. DustyLu
    7 Gennaio 2010 alle 23:24

    Wish I could be there! lulu

  20. Gracie
    8 Gennaio 2010 alle 1:32

    Looks like a place I would definitely want to be…it would be great to catch up with friends or do there to eat and read. Pretty place.

  21. Fee-AMore
    8 Gennaio 2010 alle 3:44

    It's definitely a pretty place! I would love to be there too! Perfect for a lazy afternoon.

    Oh yes, Happy 2010 dear!


  22. Jojo
    9 Gennaio 2010 alle 2:26

    For a brief moment I was confused when I read your title, Gracelands. I thought it was an Elvis post!

    Gracelands looks like a lovely place to be!


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