Party with friends…
Il mese scorso, le mie amiche Alessandra e Gaia hanno organizzato una splendida festicciola all’insegna dei saluti prima della partenza per le vacanze estive.
E’ stata una serata incantevole, trascorsa con nuovi e vecchi cari amici e splendidi pupetti (in arrivo e non solo!).
Avrei voluto mostrarvi le foto ai tempi ma le ragazze sono state pubblicate sul sito A Subtle Revelry e quindi fino ad allora le foto non potevano circolare…si lo so, è sempre complicatissimo con noi blogger, anche nel caso di una festicciola tra amici! 😉
Last month, my friends Alessandra and Gaia have thrown a fantastic little party to say goodbye before the summer vacations.
It was an enchanted evening, spent with old and new friends and their little ones (arrived and on the way!).
would have liked to show you the pictures sooner but the girls were
published on A Subtle Revelry and the pictures could not be shared… yes I
know, it is always so complicated to manage the pictures with a blogger even with these
simple parties between friends 😉
would have liked to show you the pictures sooner but the girls were
published on A Subtle Revelry and the pictures could not be shared… yes I
know, it is always so complicated to manage the pictures with a blogger even with these
simple parties between friends 😉
Abbiamo riso, giocato e mangiato carne alla griglia egregiamente preparata da due baldi uomini: mio marito e Mr B., che poveri, con il caldo che c’era si sono abbrustoliti pure loro!
We have laughed, played
and ate grilled meat, prepared so well by two chivalrous men: my husband
and Mr B, who, poor things, have cooked themselves a little too, since
it was so hot that day!
We have laughed, played
and ate grilled meat, prepared so well by two chivalrous men: my husband
and Mr B, who, poor things, have cooked themselves a little too, since
it was so hot that day!
Tutto questo in una bellissima cornice realizzata da Gaia ed Alessandra, che come sempre hanno saputo rendere speciale anche il più semplice dei barbeque con amici.
All of this in a picture perfect environment
planned by Gaia and Alessandra, that have made special even a simple
barbecue between friends like only they know how to!
planned by Gaia and Alessandra, that have made special even a simple
barbecue between friends like only they know how to!
Un lungo tavolo in mezzo al verde, runner rigati bianchi e gialli, cestini di frutta e candele, ghirlande, maison jar come bicchieri, posate dipinte di giallo, piatti colorati uno diverso dall’altro.
A long
table outside, striped white and yellow runners, fruits’ baskets and
candles, buntings, mason jars used as glasses, cutlery painted in
yellow, mismatched plates.
table outside, striped white and yellow runners, fruits’ baskets and
candles, buntings, mason jars used as glasses, cutlery painted in
yellow, mismatched plates.
Il merito va tutto ad Ale e Gaia alle quali voglio dire ancora una volta complimenti ragazze e grazie per la bellissima serata che ci avete regalato!