~ 2012 ~ A New Start
Sometimes you don’t need too much to be happy and smile again for a while…a beautiful table, cooking dinner for friends, and the warmth of those who really love you.
These recent days were very sad for me…I didn’t wnt to go out and see people, I just wanted to stay by myself.
I should already know that this is life, and pain can be every day just around the corner…but every time is always like the first time.
2011 did not end well for me, but I have many hopes for 2012…
I have many dreams that I hope to realize, one in particular…
Avere amici e parenti a cena, mi ha un po’ distratto.
Mi sono dedicata a loro e per qualche ora non ho pensato a cose tristi…
Having friends or parents at home for a dinner makes me feel better.
Because of them I felt better for few hours and haven’t thought of sad things…
Una cena seduti, un buffet in piedi…due occasioni diverse per distrarsi e godersi questi piccoli grandi piaceri.
A dinner and a standing buffet, two different occasions to realx and enjoy these small pleasure of life.
Si dice sempre “Anno nuovo vita nuova”, e chissà magari è vero…
per ora inizio con dei piccoli passi, come ad esempio il taglio dei capelli…
eh si, è proprio così, da parecchio tempo ci pensavo e finalmente l’ho fatto e li ho tagliati…ed ecco a voi il risultato…che ne pensate? A me piacciono proprio tanto!
Many people always says, “New year new life”, and who knows, maybe it’s true…
for now, I start with small steps and as first I finally decided to cut my hair…
oh yeas, that’s it…I finally did it and this is how I look like…what do you think? I really like it!
{Photos by Sweet as a Candy. Don’t copy or use without permission.}
Happy New Year girls…
P.s. Purtroppo nei giorni scorsi non sono riuscita a comunicarvi la vincitrice del giveaway…scusatemi…
Riesco a dirvelo soltanto ora…scusate davvero.
La fortunata estratta si chiama Eleonora!
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