Inspired by Cottage Style

Federica Piccinini

I always dreamt of working in a decorating magazine! I’m a sort of “decorating magazine junkie”.Yesterday the latest issue of Cottage Style Magazine jumped out at me, so I bought it.
This magazine is filled with so many gorgeous houses! Their beautiful retreats take me away from the everyday. It’s just all good!
I’m embarrassed to say that these days I read about a book a month (if that), mostly because my few spare minutes of reading time a day are usually given to magazines….really!
So to get back to what I was actually going to blog about…looking through May 2010 issue of Cottage Style you’ll find some of the most stunning pictures you ever seen. Trust me. I thought to share with you few of them.
{pics from Cottage Style Magazine, scanerized by me}
I think the person who owns this home clearly has the same obsession with chairs as I do… Question, are you a regular magazines’ reader? Happy weekend everybody!

Ci sono 62 commenti

  1. Tamanna A. Shaikh
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 8:39

    The first room in aqua is sooo peaceful!!

  2. becky
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 8:41

    Im not a regular magazine reader but I wish I were.These group of pics give me some ideas.I so much like the first pic.very soft and casual with a touch of a pretty blue.How sweet.

    Happy weekend Federica!

  3. Mónica
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 8:51

    I came through Sweet as a Candy only few weeks ago and I am absolutely in love with your blog!
    I guess I share somethings with you. I am a pharmacist but I guess what I would really love to do would be personal shopper and deco consultant 🙂
    Regarding this post…I am absolutely addict to magazines, fashion and deco. Specially AD magazine!

  4. Irene b
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 8:51

    Buon fine settimana anche a te!Ricevo mensilmente solo homes and garden gli altri li compo un pò a caso.Da quando mi aggiro per blog mi soddisfo abbastanza ma la carta è sempre la carta: adoro essere la prima a sfogliare le mie riviste!

  5. Fee-AMore
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 8:55

    Love the cottage style. They are sooo timeless.

  6. Etta
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 9:01

    La camera da letto mi fa impazzire!! Uffa è da un po' che non compro qualche giornale di arredamento estero… bellissimo il tuo!!
    un bacio e buon week end!

  7. Mónica
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 9:18

    came across… sorry… my English while working…

  8. ZAIRA
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 9:26

    Bellissima questa rivista. Nella mia edicola ho visto Flea Market Style ma hanno dei prezzi proibitivi, come si fa a comprarle tutte?????

    Buon weekend, baciotto

  9. l'atelier di Pilaf
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 9:33

    Che belle immagini…
    Proprio l'atmosfera che amo di più!!!
    buon fine settimana

  10. Helena - A Diary of Lovely
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 10:18

    Love the round cushions
    Gorgeous images and style
    have a lovely weekend darling xoxo

  11. love lives in the kitchen
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 10:59

    hi federica, you are right, this magazine is amazing! i'm a regular magazne reader, as you are. i love country chic, country living and similar magazines, usually my sunday moring is dedicated to them, and some evenings too, during the week. i wish i were a journalist for such a magazine! that would be a job of my dreams!
    have a sweet weekend,

  12. Phuong
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 11:02

    great inspiration!

  13. Jo
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 11:16

    Lovely photos ~ I'd love to have such a romantic bedroom and the built in shelves with those fabulous chairs …


  14. Rie
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 11:33

    I remember that house (with the bedroom) highlighted in another magazine a couple years ago. It's gorgeous! One of my favorite bedrooms ever.

    9 Aprile 2010 alle 11:56

    I'm definitely a magazine junky!! Especially the home, garden & decorating magazines, in any language or from any country. One picture says more than 1000 words I think.
    These pictures you show are breathtaking! Love them!
    Have a wonderful weekend too!!
    Bisous, Chantal

  16. It's me
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 11:57

    Hello Darling……….Love the cottage style..what a beautiful magazine………..i read also a lot of favorite is the Jeanne d'arc living……….i love it !! have a great sunny weekend my love……hugs from me………….bye !

    Thanks for you so sweet comment !! your are my sweetie !!

  17. Anita Camilla Fedrigotti Curti
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 12:26

    Ciao Fede, l'avevo vista anch'io “alla sveglia” questa rivista, ma visto il prezzo (costa come un libro!) non l'ho acquistata. Ora che la vedo è bellissima!!!! Un caro saluto, Anita Camilla

  18. olemkaa
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 12:34

    I am a magazine addict! Wherever I am I buy home decorating magazines. I love blogs and web sides but printed photos in magazines are the best:)

  19. Mara
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 12:34

    WOW! questa casa è veramente bellissima, Federica!!! la camera da letto mi piace un sacco! Anch'io adoro leggere riviste…è un po' l'appuntamento del sabato mattina: si va fuori a fare colazione con cappucino e briosche e si comprano le riviste preferite! Tutte, però, non posso permettermele, allora mi tuffo in internet a scovare immagini di case da sogno!!!
    Ti auguro un buon week end!

  20. Flaviana
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 12:43

    Che bella questa rivista!!A Padova siamo miseri e non la trovo ,quindi grazie mille per questa carellata! Il mio preferito è Country House & interiors -o è Country Homes & interiors?? boh.. ne compro sempre tanti, troppi!
    Ti auguro buon weekend!!
    Baci, Flaviana

  21. paola
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 12:46

    Ciao! le foto sono stupende! Anch'io sono una “interior magazine addict”, mio marito dice sempre che con tutto quello che ho speso finora nella mia vita in riviste avrei potuto comprarmi una casa nuova!!!
    baci paola

  22. Painter's Place
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 12:52

    I'm also a major magazine reader. I subscribe to about 15 and, like you, I also read a book a month. I love to read. I thought about buying a kindle so I can just download the books instead of going to the bookstore. Love your blog by the way!

  23. Yvonne @ StoneGable
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 12:55

    Federica, The cover of cottage style makes me swoon. I love the combo of blue and the brown animal print and wicker. And the pictures of the white etherial rooms are just lovely. I love white in rooms but some are so harsh and dead. When everything is that flat white all I can think about is it looks like death! These rooms use soft white with little splashes of dreamy colors to give life and interest. You chose beautiful room for us to enjoy.

  24. Amanda
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 13:01

    I love all those images you've posted but especially the second one with that lovely kitchen space. I love interiors magazines and love flicking through them while enjoying a cuppa at night. My favourite is 'Real Living' magazine.

  25. Anonimo
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 13:12

    Hi Frederica,

    This is a great magazine & i was just looking at my copy last nite for ideas on

    I am a total magazine JUNKIE, it borders on obsession but i've kind of scaled back and learned a few tricks that don't hurt the pocket book so badly. The library is a great source and of course subscriptions are the best route to go but if i find a magazine that i don't already get i look through it at one store and if they don't give discounts then i go to the big box stores where they at least give a discount like 10% and some like our Costco give 30% off cover price.
    Well have a great weekend and please keep blogging because i really like reading your blog!

  26. Silvia
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 13:15

    Ciao Fede, io a causa tua devo assolutamente acquistare ogni mese Casa Chic. Proprio oggi ho preso anche la raccolta N.15 con marzo e aprile 2009…. Ovviamente devo leggerle io per prima, odio le riviste già sfogliate, mania!!!
    Ti ringrazio per avermi lasciato un commento, da quando hai oltre 1000 sostenitori e in media una marea di commenti ho pensato facessi davvero fatica a ricambiare a tutti!!! Grazie, per me è stato un onore, se ti va passa a trovarmi per vedere Mille Idee -seconda parte- quanto prima.
    Buon week end anche a te, bacioni,

  27. Cat
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 13:18

    I adore the image with the kitty on the bed…to sweet!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  28. D&D
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 13:28

    i pretty much loved the same pages. that cover almost KILLED ME i love it so much!

  29. Melanie
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 14:13

    That magazine was the reason I changed my entire home. It is one of my favorites.

    And yes.. I am also a magazine junkie!:-)

    Have a wonderful weekend, Federica!


  30. ~*~ saskia ~*~
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 14:28

    Love love looooove the cottage style!

    HAve a wonderful weekend, Federica! xo

  31. Cielo Azul Jewelry
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 14:57

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one!!! I get too many magazines a month, but I just can't help myself. My mother in law always gives me her old magazines too, so you can imagine how much recycling goes on around here!

    Thank you for posting this gorgeous photos=0)

  32. Morning T
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 14:58

    Ooh yeah, those rooms totally speak to me. I'll have to rush out and get this issue!
    Happy weekend to you Federica.

  33. Shirley
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 15:22

    Lovely magazine. I especially like the chair in the stunning corners picture. Although I read 2/3 books a month I am addicted to home and craft magazines and have piles of them around the house. kind regards, Shirley

  34. elinAnita (eddaskreativiteter )
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 15:32

    I really have the same dream….working in a magazin with junk style…I just LOVE IT:)
    Have a nice evning

  35. Donatella
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 16:10

    Caio bella~ your blog is wonderful…new follower…

  36. Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 16:13

    Oh, this puts me in dream land 🙂 All the pictures are just stunning! thanks for sharing

  37. caroline @ patagonia gifts
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 16:49

    oh yes, I'm totally addicted to decor magazines! love this one.
    hope you have a beautiful weekend, Federica! xo

  38. Jeanneoli
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 18:12

    I have to pick this one up! Amazing photos. I am addicted to magazines too!!!

  39. fabrizia
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 18:43

    ..e mica solo uno!!!compro regolarmente Country Living(English edition)-Casa Chic-Campaigne Decoration-Marie Claire Ideeso Marie Claire Maison sono abbonata a Country Living americano e House of Beautiful…e se capito in America..'Veranda' è strepitoso!!!!insomma..ti capisco perfettamente!!

  40. carolina postcard
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 19:01

    I'll always have a love affair with magazines. So inspiring and I can just drift off to other places. Blogs are amazing, but the feel of flipping through a magazine is so satisfying!

  41. café e chocolate
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 19:13

    Feliz Pascoa atrasada,ne?
    Nao sabia que a gente tinha tanta coisa em comum. Passa lá no meu blog,para tomar um café. bjos!.

  42. Dreamy Whites
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 20:10

    Dear Federica,
    I bought this magazine as well.
    The Caroline Verschool, she is the homeowner of the last photos~ She was featured in Country Home quite a few years ago! She is an incredible woman. I think you would like her website! I LOVE her style!!!! I was so inspired by her when I saw her featured back then. Thank you for sharing!!! You are the best!!! I hope you come to California! : )))))
    Your friend,
    p.s. Yes I am addicted to magazines~ however I have found that now I am addicted to blogs~like yours!! A new addiction!

  43. Cocoa Chu Chu
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 21:40

    I love french cottage style. Thanks so much for sharing 🙂

  44. Iben Riis
    9 Aprile 2010 alle 21:42

    I love the Master bedroom 🙂
    Have a nice week end.

  45. Jacqueline
    10 Aprile 2010 alle 0:32

    Dear Federica,
    I used to buy every interior magazine going when I was younger, but I now buy Jeanne d'Arc, Country Living and Country Homes and Interiors.
    I love the interiors that you have shown. Stylish but comfortable. XXXX

  46. Pinecone Camp
    10 Aprile 2010 alle 0:32

    Oh, I love that living room!!
    Have a lovely weekend Federica!

  47. julie
    10 Aprile 2010 alle 1:10

    oh! i love a good decorating magazine! and i too have a little obsession with chairs! not that i have alot but for some reason i am always drawn to them and what to buy them all!

  48. Kristin
    10 Aprile 2010 alle 7:31

    I used to read Domino religiously…before it left us. Sigh.

  49. Tove's to og firbeinte
    10 Aprile 2010 alle 7:36

    You seems to have the same disease as me Federica…I think I can fill a few rooms in the house with magazines….but for my own safety I spread them around here and there so my husband wont notice .hahaha 🙂
    And once more you´ve tickled my curiosity…this magazine I have to find out more about and will search the net.However Federica,or anyoine – this Casa Chic Magazine is hard to find any info about…can anyone give me the email adress to the publisher or the magazine???
    Have a wonderful weekend,filled with sun and fun :)) TOve

  50. Mary Jo from TrustYourStyle
    10 Aprile 2010 alle 7:43

    These are all so lovely! I am a terrible magazine junkie and have been on a 12 step program to quit, but I fell of the wagon and got Traditional Home yesterday (blogged about it) because the cover grabbed me. I totally relate to being obsessed with eye candy!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    xo Mary Jo

  51. daniela rota nodari
    10 Aprile 2010 alle 7:54

    Ciao Federica,
    bellissime le immagini che ci proponi,
    adoro il Cottage Style!!
    Kisses 🙂

    daniela “Dream Shabby Chic” Milano

  52. *Ulrike*
    10 Aprile 2010 alle 12:41

    Love magazines, and I really like European mags as they have different things than what I usually see.

  53. Lara
    10 Aprile 2010 alle 14:19

    Post stupendo come sempre…..passa da me, ho una sorpresa per te!!!Buona Domenica!!

  54. Kris
    11 Aprile 2010 alle 15:09

    Those kitchens are making me green with envy!

  55. cityfarmer
    12 Aprile 2010 alle 1:53

    regular magazine reader here.
    I'm a junkie thru and thru … I have this issue

    love love love it

  56. Inspired-Simplicity
    12 Aprile 2010 alle 1:57

    I love the pictures. Its to Barnes and Noble to get me a copy. I am re-doing 3 bedrooms, and I got some ideas just from the few you posted.

  57. Beach Vintage
    12 Aprile 2010 alle 4:27

    Regular? ….I am so hooked and obsessed it is ridiculous. These are wonderful images Federica, hope you had a wonderful Easter.

  58. Shabby Chic Interiors
    12 Aprile 2010 alle 7:39

    Ciao Fede
    scusa se sono mancata un pò sul tuo blog…ho avuto una settimana “un pochettino” piena! Appena ho due secondi ti rispondo alla e-mail…non mi sono dimenticata di te eh?!! 🙂



  59. {The Classy Woman}
    12 Aprile 2010 alle 18:34

    Isn't that issue fabulous?! I saw it last week while checking out of Home Depot and flipped through it but hesitated to buy it because it was $10 however since it only comes out once per year and I really think it holds a library of inspiring images, I'm going to buy it. 🙂

  60. Gypsy Purple
    13 Aprile 2010 alle 7:01

    What a stunning blog you have!

  61. Gypsy Purple
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 4:11

    Please see my blog for a mention and a link xx Gypsy Purple

  62. Passionedeco...perchè le case hanno un'anima
    20 Aprile 2010 alle 16:36

    Per rispondere a questa domanda,se ti va,vai a vedere il mio post di qualche giorno fa…quando ero completamente sommersa dalle riviste.Credo di essere quella che si può definire una lettrice maniaco-ossessiva-compulsiva di riviste di arredamento!Si salvi chi può!!!!


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