{Guest Post} Dreamy Whites

Federica Piccinini

I am Maria from the Dreamy Whites Blog.
I live on a horse ranch in California, U.S.A. with my cowboy husband and five kids.
Federica was kind enough to ask ME to do a guest post for her!
Thank you Federica,
I am a huge fan of Sweet as a Candy, and am really honored to be here today! I have always wanted to visit Italy! I can only imagine how amazing it must be to live in Italy.

 For my guest post
I thought I would share a few ideas on how I freshened my dining room table up for spring!
I wanted it to have a provencal farmhouse feel.

 I love lilacs, since my lilac bush was in full bloom, that was the flower I used.

 My chandelier, that hangs over my table is an Italian made chandelier.

I love Italian antiques!

 I used a galvanized bottle carrier to hold the lilacs.

Giving the table a bit of a french country feel.

 I lined the table with my collection of lavender bottles.
A lot of them are old french perfume bottles.
I really like how lavender and a little bit of red looks together.
I also added four dishes of seashells to the table. There is one seashell in each dish that is filled with wax to make a candle. 

 I put one lavender perfume bottle holding a lilac bloom amongst a group of
blue- green leche glasses.

 I lined the table with a french red striped runner. 

 The grain sack material has a very organic nubby feel.

 We always drink out of mason jars. I think it helps give the table setting a farmhouse feel.

Another thing is they are inexpensive to replace. For napkins I used a variation of vintage linens. Some are all white while others are red and white.

My plates are all a mixture of english ironstone and Haviland China that I found for great prices at local estate sales and antique stores. 

 I hope you enjoyed a look at my spring inspired table setting.

 Thank you again Federica for giving me this opportunity to guest post 
on your beautiful blog.

Hopefully someday I can really visit you in Italy!
Take Care,

Ci sono 62 commenti

  1. Laura@trendinozze
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 9:14

    So nice to see you here!
    This table setting is pure magic, I love ALL OF IT.


  2. Catherine
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 9:35

    This table is so pretty. Love how the galvanized bottle carrier accentuates the fragile beauty of the lilac flower! Really in love with this look!

    Time to check out your blog I think 🙂

  3. minni
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 9:50

    questo posto di questo post (scusa il giorco di parole) è davvero fantastico, ha ricreato un'atmosfera tipicamente
    francese e non sembra una casa in California, bella l'idea di averle chiesto di fare un post per noi.
    grazie cara Fede.
    ciao e buon fine settimana

  4. Lynda
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 10:09

    how many oooooh's and aaaaaaaaaaah's can I display here!!!;)
    Very pretty!


  5. Helena - A Diary of Lovely
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 10:34

    beautiful post! great table setting, love love the flowers!

  6. Jojo
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 10:46

    Hi Maria, A beautiful table. Thanks for sharing. I was amazed with your mason jars because at first glance it looked like lilac glassware! Your lilacs are gorgeous. They don't grow well in Georgia so we have to enjoy the crepe myrtle instead. A lovely post and so glad to “meet” you!

  7. Raru
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 12:28

    oh.. how beautiful table.
    thank you for the inspiration maria :)))
    great idea, fede :)))


  8. It's me
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 12:47

    Hey………………..it's me !!

    Just come to say hello…………..you know….another day a new hello !!

    Beautiful the blog of Maria i follow here,…………….it is beautiful weather here sun is shining !!

    Have a good weekend my love!! don't forget …….. enjoy !!

    hugs from me,…….xxxxxx

    Thanks for visit ………

  9. caroline @ patagonia gifts
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 13:05

    oh my goodness Maria! I absolutely adore your table! those lilacs are so pretty. love the chairs and chandelier. well I love everything! have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Anonimo
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 13:20

    LOVE!!!!! 😀

  11. Lavanta Bahçesi
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 13:30

    Both talented ladies 🙂 Love your blogs. Maria what a warm table it is. I love Lilacs too 🙂 It's Lilac time girls.
    And what a beautiful day is this 🙂 I mean its Friday and 24 C here in İstanbul 😀
    Love, Love, Love to everyone!

  12. Lynda @ Happenstance Home
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 13:31

    Looks beautiful! Love the more formal chair at the end of the table mixed with the cafe chairs. Love the lavender and reds. Lilac's are one of my favorites. I can't wait for them to bloom here in Michigan!

  13. Jeanneoli
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 13:47

    I grew up in Illinois with huge lilac bushes. I have planted them here in Colorado and they are not doing as well. I miss their sweet smell. Truly one of my favorites.

  14. Morning T
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 14:17

    I love that you gave us a detailed tutorial of your gorgeous table Maria! I'm going to start using mason jars as glasses too, love the look!

    Both of you ladies are incredible and make the blog-o-sphere a better place!
    Happy weekend.

  15. Zuzu
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 14:27

    It's all so very beautiful, Maria! We share a love of the same color palette, and your mix of casual & refined is gorgeous!

  16. My Yellow House
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 14:32

    Good Morning! I just found your blog and am in love with it all! I have read each post and now want to start all over on my home! 🙂 You have a beautiful sense of style and elegance ~ I cannot wait to see more!

    What a beautiful table setting – I thought I was for sure the only one who used Mason jars for glasses!

  17. Passionate for White
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 14:33

    I can almost smell those beautiful lilacs from here!

  18. The Flying Bee
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 14:42

    Absolutely gorgeous! You have inspired me! I love those lilacs in that bottle carrier!

    Have a great weekend!


  19. Dreamy Whites
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 14:48

    Dear Federica,
    Thank you so much for asking me to do this! You are the sweetest friend ever! I will be sending you an email shortyly.
    Talk to you soon,
    Your friend,

  20. love lives in the kitchen
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 14:57

    hi federica! i missed your blog, happy to be here again 🙂 you recent post are superb and this guest post just lovely! maria is sooooo talented!
    i hope you will have another lovely weekend (as the previous one) and show us something more from your fabuolus bolognese life 🙂
    have a great friday evening,

  21. 1 Funky Woman
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 15:12

    What a great guest blogger, I love her and her style. I am now a follower of yours. So happy I found you, your blog is amazing!

  22. Anita Camilla Fedrigotti Curti
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 15:17

    Dear Maria, I love your home! I am happy to see that you love the italian coffee. Am I right? I see a coffee machine somewhere…:-)) Greeting to Federica, as well! Have a nice week end, Anita Camilla

  23. Anne - Fiona and Twig
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 15:23

    Just beautiful!
    I love the burlap table runner, and the mason jar thing is brilliant. 🙂

    Have a lovely weekend!

  24. Dawn
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 15:39


  25. Splendid Willow
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 15:57

    Federica dear, you surround yourself with the best!

    Maria, what a table! Ohh! And you use Mason Jars to drink from (why did not I think of that!)

    And of course I love the Swedish clock! All divine!

    Ox, Mon

  26. Holly
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 16:07

    It´s sooooo nice. The color is beautiful. I´m looking forward when lilac will bloom in our country. It seems to be soon 🙂

  27. Beach House Living
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 16:16

    Very pretty. I like how the lavender color is even in the mason jars.

  28. vosges paris
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 16:20

    ecco la mia amica Maria .. bellisime photo ed una bella storia.
    Buona weekend 😉

  29. Jennifer Smith Interiors
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 16:35

    Lovely, lovely. Such inspiring pictures. I felt I could almost smell the beautiful lilacs from here! Have a wonderful weekend, Jennnifer

  30. Kathy
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 16:51

    what a marvelous idea this guest posting…Italy is where I want to go more than any other place in the world…I felt a little closer to my dream today

  31. Cottage Dreamers
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 17:11

    Magnifico! Good job! You have a beautiful table, Maria!
    Great guest Federica!
    ☺ Celeste

  32. chandelier magic
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 17:21

    Hi –
    We drink from Mason jars too!
    Beautiful post – love Maria's Dreamy Whites!
    White works for me, I just swap out things of color as I find them…and of course, bleach is my best friend.

    Love your blog –


  33. ZAIRA
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 17:54

    Maria has an incredible gift in turning the simple things into unique pieces of decoration. A real inspiration. Love these photos about her dinig room.

    A great hug to you,
    buon weekend!!! xxx

  34. Gaia
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 20:45

    maria is so lovely and so talented. I love her blog and all her ideas to transform and decorate her amazing house!!

  35. Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 21:00

    Maria has amazing style and she is so sweet! Thanks for featuring her, she deserves it! Have a wonderful weekend!

  36. Beverley
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 21:08

    Hello Frederica, What beautiful pictures. I especially love the lilacs in the pail…very pretty
    Have a great week-end.

  37. Cozy Little House
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 22:13

    Love Federica's blog. And I love yours as well. The farmhouse feel has always been special to me. Evokes cozy feelings of home. You're lucky to have lilacs. Your style is wonderful!

  38. Susie from Bienvenue
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 22:31

    What a beautiful table!!!

  39. "Cottage By The Sea"
    16 Aprile 2010 alle 22:44

    Beautiful, beautiful table. I can almost smell those lilacs! When can I come to tea?

  40. ChYmEc!nDy**
    17 Aprile 2010 alle 0:31

    Hi! you have a lovely blog. I am your new follower. Follow me too?

  41. pinkstilettos
    17 Aprile 2010 alle 2:20

    Dreamy…yes indeed! Love it!

  42. Roberta Granada
    17 Aprile 2010 alle 2:42

    Hi, I like your blog soo much,
    I am from Brazil, I love craft…

  43. Tamanna A. Shaikh
    17 Aprile 2010 alle 8:03

    So soft and soothing! Good work, Maria!

  44. OneCraftyFox
    17 Aprile 2010 alle 9:45

    Maria, your home is stunning! What a well dressed and chic table.

    Federica, I found your blog through Maria, so glad that I stopped by 🙂

  45. Nathalie Maggiori
    17 Aprile 2010 alle 10:57

    Love the lavander flowers!

  46. diana
    17 Aprile 2010 alle 11:13

    Bellissime foto!
    Buon weekend Federica…ieri ero a bologna,bella bella!

  47. Ness Lockyer
    17 Aprile 2010 alle 11:17

    Wow Maria, your home is more beautiful each time I see it! the lilac looks amazing with your blue bottles and that runner. Love it.
    Thanks for showing me to this blog too.

    …and to Federica, your blog is just wonderful and I am off for a better look.
    Ness xx

  48. margitta@whiteaslinen.blogspot.com
    17 Aprile 2010 alle 13:27

    So simple1 So beautiful! It'll be weeks before my lilacs bloom here in Norway, but now I really look forward to it!

  49. Bleudelavande
    17 Aprile 2010 alle 15:53

    Qui è stupendo,se è possibile,oggi più del solito!!!
    Adoro questa tavola!!!! Complimenti mia cara e buon weekend

  50. Eileen@Star'sFault
    17 Aprile 2010 alle 16:29

    Absolutely lovely! Everything looks so fresh and springy. I bet it's just the best place to have supper!

    Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

  51. hometown girl
    17 Aprile 2010 alle 20:55

    great post Maria! your table is lovely! susan

  52. Roberta Granada
    18 Aprile 2010 alle 2:14

    Hi, I like your blog soo much,
    I am from Brazil, I love craft…

  53. Kristin
    18 Aprile 2010 alle 4:39

    Lavender and white…one of my very favorite color combos!

  54. eva
    18 Aprile 2010 alle 12:26

    Love the flowers, i love the seventh picture, put the flowers in the bottles and put them on the cake plates, great ideas.

  55. Patricia
    18 Aprile 2010 alle 13:06

    Ecco la ragazza che mi fa sempre sognare!!
    Da me c'è un premio per te:)

  56. Londen @ Sixty-Fifth Avenue
    19 Aprile 2010 alle 0:14

    Beautiful table and I love the mason jars! My lilacs are almost ready.

  57. ChYmEc!nDy**
    19 Aprile 2010 alle 6:20

    Glad to meet you here Maria. Such a lovely post.

  58. Boracay beach resort
    19 Aprile 2010 alle 9:09

    Those lilac blooms are so beautiful. Wonderful post.

  59. Julie
    19 Aprile 2010 alle 17:10

    Gorgeous. Congratulations it's really pretty.

  60. Mary Jo from TrustYourStyle
    20 Aprile 2010 alle 1:14

    This is just the most insanely beautiful dining room ever! Love the lilacs and everything just goes together so perfectly. Thank you Federica and Maria!

    xo Mary Jo

  61. Federica
    21 Aprile 2010 alle 7:17

    wow! amazing! federica thank you for letting us know maria, and maria thanks for sharing these lovely pictures.. this table settings is a pure eye candy! love the mismatching chairs, love the flowers, love the vintage/rustic feel.. love everything! I`ll be surely be visiting your blog and following you! Hugs federica

  62. Kelley at My Island Wedding
    22 Aprile 2010 alle 23:55

    Seeing this post with all the lovely lilacs made my day! And I have that same book “New Old House!” It's by my bedside table!!!! Dog-eared all over the place!

    lovely blog…

    thx. -kelley


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