Engagement Inspiration

Federica Piccinini

{Jill Thomas Photography}
Good morning my lovelies! As I’ve already told you, I am planning our engagement session, which is scheduled for May 29th. One month to wait.
{Shannon Nicole Smith Photography}

I’m really excited about our engagement pictures and definitely can’t wait to share them with all of you. In these days I started looking for inspiration, it was not hard to quickly find lots of stunning shoots and creative ideas! 
{Sarah Yates Photography}
I’m so  inspired by the themes captured in these images!
Our theme will be: The Vintage Picnic.

{float away studios}
Next weekend we have to find the perfect location for the shoot! My dilemma is: what should I wear for my engagement shoot? An engagement session should be depict your personality and your style…I’m considering some different options.
I want to thank you so much for your kind and supportive words. Thanks from the bottom of my heart to all those of you who left so lovely comments on my previous posts. Your messages warm my heart. Yesterday evening I practically burst into tears reading them to my fiancè. Thanks so much.
p.s. Don’t miss a gorgeous girly giveaway tomorrow!

Ci sono 45 commenti

  1. My passport to Style
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 9:30

    Hi there, what stunning inspiration, I hope it is everything you could hope for and more! Thought you might like to know abouth the stunning hair accessory worth $45.00 up for grabs over on My Passport to Style,by Spell Bound! Sharon xx

  2. It's me
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 9:30

    Lovely an engagement picnic !! good idea …….

    I wish you a happy sunny day today…………….with lots of love……………my sweet Federica………big hugs from me………….and may i ask you one question??

    What are you do for work ??

    Hugs hugs hugs from me my sweettie !! xxxxxxxxx

  3. sweet maniac
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 9:38

    Just found out your blog, and I lovee it so much !! Beautiful picturess! Luv3x !

    -Anna Ismail

  4. Irene b
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 10:02

    Buongiorno Federica,l'ambintazione del vintage pic nic è tra le mie preferite. Mi dispiace non aver commentato il tuo post di ieri ma ero sinceramente commossa e stupita: credevo tu fossi una persona diversa..Scusa ma son felice che tu non ami il tuo lavoro perchè, a dirla tutta, no c'entra molto con la sweet as a candy che conosciamo noi(confermo il commento a Zaira riguardo al piano B)…Credo fermamente che ci sia una giustizia di felicità già sulla terra (gg ne è la tua conferma)quindi auguro di riscuotere tutta gioa di cui sei debitrice!con affetto sincero,irene

  5. Irene b
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 10:08

    ops… naturalmente intendevo creditrice!

  6. Federica - Scottish and Craft
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 10:19

    Il tuo buon gusto e il tuo cuore ti porteranno a fare la scelta più “azzeccata”. Il pronostico: un ambientazione semplice e chic… come te naturalmente!!!
    Buoni preparativi!!!

  7. Sandy a la Mode
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 10:34

    ohhh how exciting, engagement pictures are soo lovely! i do like ones with lots and lots of props!!! balloons, umbrellas, pinwheels, picnics, and random vintage couches/chairs in fields are my favorites!!

  8. Helena - A Diary of Lovely
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 10:35

    it's going to be amazing federica, and anything you wear will be perfect as always!

  9. dorothy c
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 10:44

    ciao..le foto sono splendide…calde e magiche..mi piacono molto!=)

  10. Flaviana
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 11:20

    Ciao carissima,
    cosa devi metterti ? Uno dei tuoi bei e romantici abitini che rispecchiano il tuo carattere dolce e semplice ma sofisticato senza essere snob. E poi sii come sei sempre e ancora una volta sarai perfetta!
    .aspettare un meseeeee.. sarà dura!

  11. Seyma
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 11:49

    omg!! are you getting engaged Federica??? it's awesome to hear that.. congrats sweetheart!!

    i'm looking forward to see how it goes :))

    i love the pics btw.. they are magnificient..


  12. 1 Funky Woman
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 11:52

    Gorgeous pictures! I can't keep my mouth closed they are so amazing! An engagement picnic sounds so beautiful! I love the yellow gold dress! I was just going to say that the picture should show your personality and these women fit the outfits they are wearing. Show who you are and you will feel great!

  13. Jacqueline
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 12:02

    What wonderful images, Federica.
    I love the one where they are sitting at the piano. and, although I'm not really a lover of balloons, I even like those ones.
    I know that, whatever you do, it will be stunning, and I can't wait to see them.
    …. oh, and I'm absolutely POSITIVE, that you will not have any trouble choosing something to wear !!!! XXXX

  14. Obee Designs
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 12:16

    Hi Federica!
    I'm so happy to find your blog! It's great!!Congratulations on your engagement! When is your big day? I'll bet you are so excited. I 'm following your blog so it will be fun to watch all the planning.
    I liked reading the list of things about you. Your list is great and we seem to have a lot of similarities. I too love cookies, photography, making things, can't stand being bored, am a perfectionist, lost my father and miss him everyday…and Love Hugh Jackman!! 🙂
    If you get a chance come over to my blog and check it out, it would be great to have you visit:)
    I hope you are having a wonderful day!

  15. NicNacManiac
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 12:18

    These images are making me so excited for you….engagement photos are so full of love and yours will be full of whimsy as well!! Good luck with the venue, many different outfits for the both of you have worked for many friends of mine recently…this gives you options and you end up with lots of great photo memories!!
    Enjoy yourself today xOxO Nerina

  16. Debby
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 12:33

    WOW!!!! Gorgeous photos. I love your theme and can hardly wait for you to share with us. AWESOME!!!

  17. Trendshimmer
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 12:33

    OMG tutto semplicemente divino!!!!
    Adoro il tuo blog

  18. Blondie's Journal
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 12:52

    I think these images are lovely inspiration for your engagement shoot. I love the idea of a picnic setting as well. I can't wait to see the pictures!


  19. Anonimo
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 14:08

    Hello Federica, I found your blog about 3 months ago and I love it. I look forward to everyday. I think anything you choose for your engagement party wil be stunning, and I think you should pick something that you feel gorgeous in. Those little black shoes in the 1st picture wouldn't hurt either. Enjoy your day, A fellow shoe lover. Beverley

  20. Certain Creatures
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 14:17

    ANother super wonderful post!
    so looking forward to seeing your engagment pictures


  21. Alluring Interiors
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 14:38

    These photo's are phenomenal! Great inspiration pix!

  22. Lynda @ Happenstance Home
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 14:54

    All of the images you have shown are over the top lovely. I cannot wait to see what you choose for your photo's. I like all the thought that was put into the above photos.

  23. monikaki
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 14:54

    Ho amato il tuo post di ieri e quello di oggi…sono certa che la tua scelta sarà quella giusta..perchè sarà la tua! Il menu' di un pic nic vintage secondo me dovrebbe rigorosamente prevedere bibite in bottigliette di vetro come le bibite abbondio che fanno da qs parti (www.abbondio.it), tramezzini avvolti in carta straccia, torte e quiche salate lasciate nella teglia di alluminio e avvolti in canovacci da cucina magari in lino…che ne dici? Mi sono allargata troppo…scusa! Saluti cari, Monica

  24. Cottage Dreamers
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 15:14

    I love all of these pictures. It really makes me wish my husband and I would have done something like this. I wish you all the best!
    ☺ Celeste

  25. ady
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 16:00

    il tuo blo è sobrio e raffinato inoltre, ed hai la capacità di renderlo molto personale. con ammirazione ady

  26. caroline @ patagonia gifts
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 16:29

    oh so beautiful shots Federica! how exciting! can't wait to see your own photographs! best wishes, darling! xo

  27. Jeannies Bottle
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 16:40

    Whatever you decide to do will be, I am sure, unique and beautiful.


  28. Cat
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 17:34

    How very exciting Federica!

    I love the balloons and the “heart hands” (that image, in particular, is just so romantic!)

    xo Cat

  29. Anu@My Dream Canvas
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 18:17

    How dreamy and romantic..all the very best to you both always.

  30. RobinBirdsNest
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 18:49

    Awesome pics! Great ideas!

  31. carmen
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 19:32

    Sono sicura che farai la scelta più azzeccata, quella che ti rispecchia di più. Intanto il tema che hai scelto è perfetto, secondo me. Parla di un amore semplice e vero.
    Buon fine settimana

  32. Design Darling
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 20:06

    i'm sure you've already found it but just in case style me pretty is full of lovely inspiration for brides-to-be. i'm far from getting married but i love the inspiration for parties and the like!

    29 Aprile 2010 alle 20:23

    carino il blog,ti seguo!ne ho appena aperto uno anch'io,(di moda ovviamente.-)vieni a dare un'occhiata e se ti va seguimi!


  34. the red bungalow
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 20:47

    I love these “out in the field” kind of photos too…and that yellow & pink dress that one woman is wearing is amazing! love it. 🙂

    Bre @ http://theredbungalow.blogspot.com

  35. Kristin
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 21:43

    Love the balloons and buttons. Both shoots look just fabulous!

  36. Laura
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 23:18

    These shots are retro, beautiful and with a great use of light. And your taking them on our actual wedding day 🙂 My advice, as someone who just took engagement pics in March, is to collaborate with your photographer. I saw the top of the Golden Gate Bridge and we took the most amazing non-cheesy shot. Congrats sweetie!

  37. Brenda@Cozy Little House
    29 Aprile 2010 alle 23:38

    Honey, I'm telling you here from Texas that you will be beautiful and radiant regardless of what you choose to wear! I'm so glad the old type photos are out and trendy casual ones are in. So love these “more natural” images!

  38. Gaëlle - Decoration'TillTheEnd
    30 Aprile 2010 alle 1:03

    Congratulations Frederica!

    You can always take a look on the blog “a cup of Jo” for some photo inspiration. She has a lot of beautifull picture about weddings.
    It's a blog I love to follow for the photographs…


  39. BonjourRomance
    30 Aprile 2010 alle 1:24

    Bonjour Federica,
    How exciting this is. I'm sure it will be so lovely and I am anxious to see the final shots.
    WIshing you a happy weekend,

  40. Cielo Azul Jewelry
    30 Aprile 2010 alle 1:37

    OMGoodness………..Ohhhh, please take a picture with all the balloons. I LOVE IT SOOOOOOOO MUCH=0) No pressure, LOL! They are going to be fabulous and I know you'll wear the perfect outfit=0)


  41. Looking Glass
    30 Aprile 2010 alle 3:16

    Ooooh! I love the piano photo shoot the best!
    I did an engagement photo shoot, it was the best idea. Will have to pop the pics on my blog.
    I've recently found your blog & a couple of others & you have all inspired me to start my own!
    So, a big thank you!
    ~ Clare x

  42. Antonella
    30 Aprile 2010 alle 9:07

    Un mese passa presto, ma son sicura che troverai l'abito perfetto, il luogo perfetto e il fotografo perfetto!! L'uomo perfetto lo hai già trovato, soprattutto se ha scelto di fare questo servizio fotografico… il mio uomo a stento ha tollerato quello del matrimonio >:(
    Sei dolcissima e ti auguro davvero con tutto il cuore di essere felice e di realizzare tutti i tuoi sogni!
    Un abbraccio!
    PS:Anche se non riesco a commentare spesso, ti leggo sempre… e sei pericolosa, mi fai venir voglia di risposarmi, cambiare arredamento e guardaroba ogni giorno!! ;D

  43. Shabby Chic Interiors
    1 Maggio 2010 alle 19:13

    Che dolci foto, proprio come sei tu! Per un attimo ho creduto di vedere ed il tuo futuro maritino! 😉


  44. the real mia
    4 Maggio 2010 alle 22:05

    Oooh I just love the red polka dots and the suspenders. Perfection.

  45. Dreamy Whites
    7 Maggio 2010 alle 16:00

    I can't wait to see all of your beautiful photos. I can only imagine. You have such incredible style! : ))
    Have a wonderful evening.
    Your friend,


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